Julia is quickly recovering from her blood infection. The docs - TopicsExpress


Julia is quickly recovering from her blood infection. The docs are very impressed with how well she has progressed compared to when she first came in. If we would have waited any longer to bring her in, she could have had died. It turned out the bacteria she has is group A strep. When it gets in the blood it can be very serious, but its also the 2nd most common type of bacteria and thankfully is treated very easily. Strep A can grow very rapidly and cause a lot of damage if its not treated early, but the good thing is its not resistant to antibiotics. It can actually be treated with something as simple as penicillin. Julia is doing so well, we are getting transferred from ICU to the oncology unit in a little bit. Since she doesnt have a permanent line for meds, they put a PICC line in her arm. Its a catheter that goes straight into her vein and can be used to give her the full course of antibiotics, which will be 2 weeks. They have to draw her blood every day and culture it to see if any more bacteria will grow. So far it only grew the first day we came... obviously. But yesterdays blood culture is still negative (even though it can take up to 48 hours for bacteria to grow) so thats a great sign that the antibiotics are doing their job. She hasnt had a fever since last night and her vitals have been stable. I am immensely grateful for all the docs and nurses who have been taking care of Julia. They definitely made the right choice by removing her port right away because the bacteria was growing all around it. And we are so blessed that Jules has an army of people praying for her. This was definitely one of the scariest things Ive observed with Julia, but with everything else, I put all my Faith and Trust in our merciful Lord and I knew that He would take care of His precious daughter. I know that I am not worthy of Gods endless mercy but I am so thankful that He has graced us with it. Lamentations 3:22-23 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:04:02 +0000

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