Julia is so incredibly happy to be home! 18 days in the hospital- - TopicsExpress


Julia is so incredibly happy to be home! 18 days in the hospital- 8 days of radiation, 8 round trip ambulance rides, 4 blood transfusions, 3 platelet transfusions, ct scans, ultrasounds, and too many iv antibiotic and anti-fungal doses to count. But she also spread smiles, forged friendships, developed relationships with other patients/families, danced, laughed, inspired, and entertained the heck out of just about everyone! As happy as we are to be home, we are also missing everyone at the hospital...its easy to become attached not only to the other patients, but also to all of the amazing nurses and doctors that took care of our precious girl all day/night. We are thinking about all of Julias fellow warriors tonight and saying lots of prayers that they will be home soon, too! Big bro Kyle came home from Sky Ranch today- unfortunately, he came home sick with a fever. We had to quarantine him to his room, as Julias immune system is extremely low right now. Hes an awesome big brother and didnt complain a bit! Please pray that he has a quick recovery and that Julia doesnt catch anything! We are so excited that Julia has now completed the most intense portion of her treatment plan. Today is exactly 8 months from the day that her port was surgically placed and had her first dose of chemotherapy. She has endured so much over the last 8 months! She is scheduled to start the final phase of her treatment on Wednesday, which is called the Maintenance phase, which will last until April 2016. She will still be undergoing chemotherapy, but it will be less intense and hopefully shell feel better, gain some strength and energy back, be able to attend school full-time, and return to a more normal life. Please pray that she stays well, stays out of the hospital, and that her blood counts are high enough on Wednesday to start this final phase! Thank you all for your prayers, love and well wishes....we are so encouraged by all of your comments and messages...from friends, family, and strangers! Thank you for taking the time to reach out and show support and love for Julia....we are so blessed to have all you following our precious girl! Love to all and God bless!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:00:45 +0000

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