Julie Lassa 24th District since a special election in April 2003. - TopicsExpress


Julie Lassa 24th District since a special election in April 2003. She had no business even making her statement and fleeing. She should not even be in office! Check out what I found with a little digging from June 2009. Wisconsin State Senator Julie Lassa used state employees and taxpayer dollars to run her political campaigns, and has still not been held accountable for betraying the public trust by lying to voters and cheating taxpayers. FORMER STATE SENATOR CHUCK CHVALA, LASSA’S POLITICAL MENTOR, CONTINUES TO RUN INDEPENDENT SPENDING ACTIVITIES FOR DEMOCRATS IN WISCONSIN AND LASSA CONTINUES TO BENEFIT. WHERE ARE THE INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS ON THIS ONE? LASSA CONTINUES TO LIE ABOUT HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE CAUCUS SCANDAL AND THE ILLEGAL USE OF STATE EMPLOYEES ON HER POLITICAL CAMPAIGN, AND THE INFAMOUS CONVICTED FELON CHUCK CHVALA CONTINUES TO PULL HER STRINGS. THERE IS A REASON FOR NEWSPAPERS TO STILL BE IN EXISTENCE, BUT WHY CAN’T DAN BICE AND HIS COLLEAGUES ACTUALLY DO THEIR JOB? LASSAGATE Her homepage is mighty barren. She is asking for support for REelection. So far she has raised a paltry 47,743 and I’d lay money on it is from BIG Unions JUST like the other runaway bride #1, Chris Larson. The largest portion of these donations, $21,305.87 going to Stopping the GOP Recall of the Wisconsin 14! Ironic, considering their recall effort to oust Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch. Interesting are her TOP fundraisers: * Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America whose mission is: The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is an organization powered by our members that builds long-term progressive power. We elect bold candidates to Congress and mobilize around progressive policy priorities. Our recent work includes leading the Draft Elizabeth Warren for Senate movement, working to win two recall elections against Wisconsin Republicans, supporting the 99% movement and Wall Street accountability, and pushing Congress to tax the rich while protecting programs like Social Security and Medicare. Check out their ‘candidate’ directory Her list of questionable fundraising pages is a WHO’s WHO of Progressive Socialists. * Fight back in Wisconsin by Democracy for America that raised 954,966 to oust Walker and has 37,737 Supporters. But they had the audacity to say we won because of money?! Democracy of America is endorsed by, you ready for this? * Elizabeth Warren (MA-Sen) * Alan Grayson (FL-09) * Raul Grijalva (AZ-07) * For Alabamians, Christian Smith (AL – Mobile County Treasurer) The socialist agenda roster is endless. The Founder is none other then Governor Howard Dean. Right-wing Gov. Scott Walker and Citizens United may have won last night — but this was a step forward for progressives. * Another Top fundraiser is none other then the Daily Kos with their pet project, Orange to Blue 2012. Their mission is to elect strong, progressive Democrats in key Senate seats and House. districts in 2012. Visiting this leftist liberal rag, they do not tout Orange to Blue 2012. But this list tells their agenda. * Where we would be without MoveOn.org. This is a sample of were their dirty fingers lie: Support these Wisconsin heroes. The Wisconsin 14—the brave Democratic state senators who left the state to stop the Republican attacks on workers * Americans for Progress under any other name AKA Center for Center for American Progress @ americanprogress.org/. America for Progress per say does not even exist. The FB page led to dead link and the so-called founder , DARIUS TULLIS, Union, NJ gave a whopping $7 to camPAIN 2012. Who cares? It all comes down to Soros funding. Period. George Soros promised to financially support the organization by donating up to three million dollars in 2003 & he is still backing them, Think Progress and Open Society til this day. * Another questionable supporter of Julia is Raj Shukla of Progressive Majority Wisconsin who raised $5,014. But I am hard pressed to find anything connecting a Raj Shukla to this organiztion which is an offshoot of Progressive Majority. Whose mission is to elect progressive champions. We accomplish this by identifying and recruiting the best progressive leaders to run for office; coaching and supporting their candidacies. So are you seeing the pattern? State Senator like someone else we know. As crooked as the ‘progressives’ in ‘our house’. How this all comes full circle from the Mayor of Chicago up to POTUS. How it’s like connecting every little dot and finding more corruption. That is what happens in hunting for ‘The Truth’. How the Unions need to go. The proof is in the puddin’. * I leave you with one last supporter of Julia. Wisconsin Recalls Democracy Dive by Wisconsin Teachers. ‘Dive’ being symbolic to me. On their low grumbling teacher wages they managed to contribute 8,400 between 165 of them. Problem is this is all under the umbrella of Act Blue whose motto is ‘ The online Clearing House for Democratic Action. A search on the teachers turned up nothing. So sometimes friends, it is not always what you unearth but the silence of empty searches speaks volumes. Greg Kinsley Find out who made this site and ask them for photo of LASSA.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:25:34 +0000

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