Julie Price: The Remnants Rising! It seems to be the anthem the - TopicsExpress


Julie Price: The Remnants Rising! It seems to be the anthem the Lord is proclaiming through me in many different ways lately as I write to you, but it has to be said because it is the Father’s heart right now. The Lord has strategically placed His remnant all throughout the land for it’s rising. Many of you, if you haven’t been moved geographically already in recent years, you have perhaps changed jobs, or churches, or something in your life has shifted for you in that way. Maybe it’s even in your relationships and friendships, but God has a very strategic plan for this remnant that is rising. The remnant that is rising is carrying the reality of the Kingdom within them and its about to burst forth in all its power and all its goodness. These are those who have been tested and tried. And in this time of great testing and trials, they have not understood where God has been in it all. But where He has been, is training you and preparing you to be a strong, relentless, remnant rising warrior for Him! You will not be stopped! You will not be swayed! You will not be tossed about by every wind and wave! He is rebuilding your foundation and you are becoming strong and resolute in Him! There are so many things that God is about to do through His people, but first He had to clean us up. The inside of our cups were dirty. There was a lot going on inside, and He has been repairing and restoring it all. Jesus wants to be represented for who He really is; and in the fullness of who He is. He is love! He is good! He wants to show Himself strong! This remnant is rising to display who Christ really is and what He came to do for us! This remnant is soon to rise and take the land back for Him. This is a new breed that is rising. A breed of people who are wholly submitted to His will and His ways and His heart! Grieved by how He has been so misrepresented for who He really is, this remnant will rise up in boldness and become everything they were called to be; to reflect their unique part of Him. So go forth in boldness! Do not be discouraged! Everything you have endured has a purpose and it is making you into the person you were destined to be for Him! EVERY ONE OF YOU IS NEEDED IN THIS REMNANT THAT IS RISING! You each have a unique role to play, assigned by God, but only you can fulfill it. It is your destiny! So arise in strength and hope! Do not give up! Redemption draws nigh! New days are coming! New days are forming! They are upon us even now! A remnant is rising, and all the things you ever hoped to see and do and be for Him are at the door! He won’t relent until He has all of you, so give yourself wholly to Him, for soon you shall rise as a remnant; powerful and strong and walking like the church was called to be! Never underestimate the power of the presence of God within you. You carry the Kingdom everywhere you go. You are an atmosphere changer! You hold the line! You frustrate the plans of the enemy by your presence alone! The awareness of the Kingdom within you is being ignited in the days to come and you will shine brighter and brighter as the days continue to unfold. You are the remnant rising! It’s time! Arise!!! Facelifted from Diana Devlin.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:25:13 +0000

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