Juliet Dalla Costa Ofs shared . . . Blessed Vincent of Aquila – - TopicsExpress


Juliet Dalla Costa Ofs shared . . . Blessed Vincent of Aquila – August 7 Confessor, First Order In 1444 the body of St. Bernardine of Siena was laid to rest in the Franciscan convent at Aquila. In this convent the spirit of perfect observance of the rule was preserved. The perfume of the virtues which was exhaled from the convent attracted Vincent to it. Vincent had been reared by devout parents in the fear of Cod, and in the convent he distinguished himself even among the more perfect brethren by his efforts at acquiring true sanctity. After he had pronounced his solemn vows, he endeavoured to observe them as perfectly as possible, in order to offer himself to Cod as an agreeable oblation. To subdue sensuality he ate only bread and herbs, and drank water; but when his superiors directed him to eat the usual food provided for the brethren, he readily complied. He loved solitude to such an extent that he not only withdrew from association with the world, but even lived retired within the convent itself. At his daily work he united himself to God in prayer. He would spend entire nights in the contemplation of heavenly things and was sometimes raised above the earth in ecstasy. The results of this hidden life manifested themselves in dovelike simplicity, in invincible patience at work amid hardships and various forms of injustice which he experienced, in obedience, which extended even to fulfilling the suggestions of his superiors, and in stainless purity. His love of God enkindled in him great zeal for souls; he became the wise director of many devout souls in their efforts to achieve Christian perfection. When he departed from this life in the convent of St. Julian near Aquila in 1504, he was celebrated by reason of his miracles and his gift of prophecy. One of his devout clients saw his soul, surrounded by choirs of angels; wing its flight straight to heaven. In 1785 Pope Pius VI sanctioned the veneration of Blessed Vincent; and his feast is observed by the Franciscans and Capuchins on August thirteenth. Prayer O God, Who didst clothe Blessed Vincent, Thy confessor, with every virtue, but especially with evangelical simplicity and remarkable strictness of life, grant that we may join the ranks of his followers, and rejoice in the blessing of having found favor in Thy sight. Through the same Christ Our Lord Who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:10:44 +0000

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