Julie’s Ford Day Story: I will try my best to summarize this - TopicsExpress


Julie’s Ford Day Story: I will try my best to summarize this amazing experience! First off, I was a little nervous about going to the event because I was going by myself. I was planning to meet up with others that I have met online (Pam, Ashley, and Val), but since I had never actually met them yet I was just a little apprehensive. Here I was worried about driving 45 minutes from home to an event by myself and there were others who flew from another state by themselves to see either Cook or Archie! Of course, as with anything having to do with David, I had no reason to be worried. As soon as I arrived I found the group and it was so wonderful to be able to be with others who shared my ODD! I could finally let my fangirliness excitement out!!! You see, no one around me “gets it”. My whole family thinks I have lost my mind and that I need some sort of intervention…well, maybe I do, as many of you know what ODD is like! So, we were all pretty excited! We had lunch first, like any of us could really eat. I bet they had a ton of food left over since many of us were too nervous and excited to eat much of anything!! We lined up to go in and unfortunately they were a bit unprepared, in my opinion, for getting us into the room where the Davids would perform. They opened the doors and there was a mad dash to get the best seat. Thankfully, I don’t think anyone was hurt. I got somewhat separated from the people I was with but we managed to sit fairly close together. Because it was just a small banquet hall most seats were good seats! I think I was about maybe 30 feet from the stage/David. So because this was actually an Adcrafters meeting (it is an advertising/marketing group) there was some business that they had to take care of from the president of the group as well as various thank you’s they had to do. There was the usual polite applause while we anxiously awaited the reason most of us were there!!! Finally, they introduced David and he was so Archdorable when he came out!! His sweet banter was sooo cute! You could tell he was a little nervous but that is what made him that much more endearing!! You all know by now what he sang! First up was Angels and I think he has definitely made that his own song now! (Jeff said David may have his version on his upcoming album because it was never that popular here in the states and David has so made it his own)! I found myself bouncing in my seat, like we have seen David do, as he sang it!! I attempted a couple of pictures but did not want to be distracted from experiencing David sing-because you all know, you don’t just hear or listen to David but you experience him! To watch him sing is like being transported to a different dimension where time stands still and then when it ends you wish it could have gone on forever!! Next up was Crush-OMG how could we all be so lucky to get to hear David sing it live for the first time!! You could tell he was a little nervous but he did so well!! I really wanted to stand up and dance along with him to this song and thinking back I wish I would have because I think it would have started others doing it and David would have probably been fired up to see that! The fans showed him lots of love for singing Crush and he was happy about that!! And finally there was Imagine. OMG, he sang the whole song!!!!!! We really were the luckiest fans to be there for that!!! I chose my screen name/profile name, dreamer, because of that song!!! This is the type of song David is meant to sing (and Angels)! You can soooo feel his emotions as he sings this and you can see his feelings written all over his face!!!!!! The songs that he will be singing in the future need to have meaning and depth because you can tell that this is what David connects with!! He really is a very deep and emotional guy and you can tell that singing for him is his way of being able to communicate this depth and emotion. His songs don’t have to be all slow songs because I think he can have some uptempo songs with feelings in them too. Jeff talked about some of the songs David is writing and has written and that the lyrics are pretty amazing! Jeff also talked about David’s wit and how we will see it in his songs! So, that was the end of David’s set and, of course, we were all left with wanting more!!! David Cook came out and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed his set. He is very good with the audience and quite funny. I enjoyed just him and the guitar because he didn’t have to scream over a rock band. I can now see why our David gives Cook so much credit-he was really good!! Oh my, this is so long already and I haven’t even gotten to the after part! Eek! Well, I have to say that it was really fun just to sit back and watch David interact with his fans! I didn’t really need another autograph (had 3 from the Detroit concert) so I decided to wait until the crowd thinned a little to try and get a little time with David without having to be told to move it along for others. David was very gracious to everyone and took his time despite what the people in charge were telling him. At one point one of the guys said only one more autograph/picture and then David would have to go. David seemed to completely ignore this guy and kept talking, signing and having pics taken. He even turned around and the guy thought he was ready to go and David said something like “no, I was just reaching behind me to get something”(this is in the video that someone took with ”zoom, zoom, zoom” and “shake it”.) He must have stayed for at least 30 more minutes after that! He did his usual singing to himself when someone said something that reminded him of a song-this is absolutely one of the most adorable things about him!! So after waiting for a while I finally got my picture taken with him!!! I sort of wanted a hug but felt awkward asking even though I know so many have and he has kindly obliged!! So, sweet Ashley who I met up with, is standing right next to me and tells David about a favor that I did for her (not a big favor, just something small) and David said “awww, that’s so nice” and he gives me a hug!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH, yes I almost passed out!!!!! I could have hugged Ashley for that!!!!! My day was complete!!! Many of us were able to talk with Jeff and get some album info and other tidbits. I gave a letter to Jeff to give to David for me-I hope he gets a chance to read and respond. When we left we were walking through the parking lot and out comes Jeff, so, a small group of us hung around and talked to Jeff some more. I boldly asked if David could come out and talk some more too, but Jeff said “they” would not let him:( Jeff said that David was inside reading all the letters and looking at all the gifts he got! David is soooo kind and thoughtful to his fans!!! Sorry this is so long but I didn’t want to leave anything out although I am sure there are some things that I forgot!! I have to thank my husband because I almost wasn’t able to go to the event. My daughter was sick and we did not want to leave her with a babysitter so I was going to stay home. My awesome husband to the rescue, he took the day off work to stay with her, and said he had wanted to get a few things done at home anyway so I wouldn’t feel guilty for him having to take time off work!!! I guess you could call him an enabler, haha! Thanks to everyone who runs this site as you are what I think help to keep me feeling sane and not so alone in my love for David!!!!!! Julie
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:53:01 +0000

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