Julius Sello Malema was born on 3d March 1981 at Seshego. Yes - TopicsExpress


Julius Sello Malema was born on 3d March 1981 at Seshego. Yes thats where he was born and grew up, a kganna sekwahelo sa emere are ke koloi. His mother was a domestic worker and single parent(HIS FATHER DIDNt PASS ON, NAH, O KENE PONENG YA LIMPOPO). He joined the ANC at the age of 9 or 10 and his TASK WAS TO REMOVE NATIONAL PARTY POSTERS. He completed his high school education at Mohlakeng High School in Seshego and completed a two-year diploma in youth development in 2010. He further enrolled for a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications and African languages in 2011. In political turf he started leading from 1995 and was elected as ANCYL president in April 2008. Many South Africans didnt know him and he became a well known individual after threatening Netbank that he would mobilize the society to withdraw their accounts from the bank. Netbank had just release statement that they were no longer keen to sponsor ASA after Chuene/Semenya hermaphrodite saga. Juju was seen defending Semenya and he went as far as calling for Chuenes resignation. From this point on, he started becoming very powerful and making some rational decisions. He was called in for NECs lashing however, he went out and said HE WILL NEVER LISTEN TO OLD PEOPLE. While Zuma was busy trying to broker a political settlement in Zimbabwe, the narrow minded Zuma blessed Malemas visit to Zimbabwe which caused concern amoungst ANC officials. ANC released statement distancing itself from ANCYLs critics made in Zimbabwe, their support for Mugabes ZANU PF and calling MDCs president, Tsvangirai an ally of IMPERIALIST. Fear was sparked amoungst the South Africans as Malema gave thump up to Mugabes ZANU PF chaotic land reform example. Juju was now called Dilemma which can no longer be ignored. This was a call for NECs intervention. Malemas conduct was lowering as he was conducting himself as holier than Thou. Media and journalists criticized him after uttering racial comments at BBCs Johan Fisher, statement he made after Terreblanches murder, singing the burned song KILL THE BOER, publicly attacking president Zuma, becoming involved in public disputes with members of the ANC-SACP & COSATU, he even expressed his personal views on Botswana which contravened ANCs policy. For these and other reasons, Juju was suspended by NDC for 5 years, stripped off his tittle and partys membership. Malema was no saint nor differ from other ANCs stouters. He was investigated by the hawks facing various charges of corruption, fraud and money laundering. Investigated by tax man as well as the public protector who cleared the man from all the charges. He was further convicted for hate speech by Equality Court and fined R50 000 in March 2010. Having been left in the cold, Malema founded a political movement Economic Freedom Fighter in July 2013. As a leader of EFF and being known as RECKLESS POPULIST, I was expecting more comments and public speeches with the potential to destabilize South Africa and spark racial conflict BUT that was a thing of the past. I for one started asking myself questions like: -Was all the hate speeches intentional? -Was he used like always? -If yes, who will benefit from this? -Was this conduct emerged to make ANC unstable? -To dilute it perhaps? Juju wouldve done well in construction as his EFFs manifesto talked to ANCs laggggg. All they want is to renovate what ANC has already done or started. Like it or not, EFF is another ANCs alliance hahaha with rocket high goals and expectations. From the time he joined the liberation movement, Juju was given a tittle PAWN and I bet the ones holding the remote will sooner or later emerge to sit on his or her throne. Oops!!! I forgot EFF practice the Baas mentality, DIE BAAS KAN NET KIES ENIGE EIMAAND AS DIE VOERMAN. Honestly Malema and Zuma are birds of the same feathers: * Both been investigated by hawks for separate charges. * Both been in and out of court. * Both uneducated and probably inexperienced states men. * Dectators. * Both practice unprofessional conduct. BUT if I were a political activist, I wouldve choose Zuma over Juju every day of the year. For obvious reasons but mostly itll be, Better be let by the one you already know than new trouble(UNCAPPED TROUBLES AKRE). I wanted to write more about the man but theres not much to write about really. So without any further or do, KE FELLA NET DAAR!!! PS: UDM from ANC COPE from ANC EFF from ANC ANC STILL STAND!!! Writing what I like...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:54:16 +0000

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