July 10-13, 2014 Days 66-69, Day 28 of Consolidation, Days 1-3 of - TopicsExpress


July 10-13, 2014 Days 66-69, Day 28 of Consolidation, Days 1-3 of Interm Maintenance I Let me first say, no news is good news. Lilly really is still doing amazing and while we have trivial problems in our lives, there really isn’t anything too major I can complain about. Instead, I am filled with gratitude for the health of my family and the generosity of those around us! I have learned a great deal on this journey. My perspective on life has changed. I am far from perfect and have many “moments,” but when the going gets rough, I strive to find the positive in the life. It was just last Sunday that I felt like I was drowning. With the help of my Heavenly Father, I am blissfully treading water. I am trying to enjoy these good days because I fear there may be many more difficult ones to follow, but regardless I know that I am stronger than I think and when something gets to tough all I have to do is pray. Most of Thursday was spent getting ready to go back to Denver. I dropped Callie off at my sisters at 1:45 pm and made it to Bridgeport by 2:30 pm. I was able to visit both of my grandmas as well as stop by Skyview at Bridgeport and pick up a donation for our family. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Every little bit helps! My parents and future sister-in-law Sierra agreed to watch Paisley, but weren’t available until 6:00 pm. I had to leave Bridgeport at 4:00 pm to make it to Kimball by 5:00 pm, so my Grandma Sharon came to my rescue and watch Paisley for a couple of hours. Thank you Grandma! Also a big thank you to my parents, Sierra, and Amanda. Callie got to go to the carnival and had a great time. She even won a fish on the first try! I made it to Kimball at 5:20 pm and Jake and I enjoyed peace and quiet while Lilly slept most of the way to Denver. We stopped in Fort Morgan for supper and made it to the Brinkerhoffs around 7:45 pm. Jake and I both stayed up way too late. Jake had a great time with Dave and I watched Prison Break. I think we both fell asleep around 12:30 am. Thank you Brinkerhoffs for letting us invade your home. Morning came very early as we woke up at 6:00 am to make it to the hospital for Lilly’s chemo at 7:30 am. Dr. Ball saw Lilly today and said he had never seen her so good. I will admit, she was a little over-zealous, but that is my Lilly. She also had fun giving out the “Lilly’s Battle Squad” wristbands to all the nurses and doctors. Everything went great. Lilly officially stared interm maintenance today and received vincristine and methotrexate in her broviac. The only downer for me today was Lilly’s ANC has dropped to 410. Her counts can change quickly, but right now she is neutropenic. This always makes me nervous especially since Lilly is feeling so great and wants to do everything. After chemo, we Jake stopped for a quick look at Bass Pro Shop and we ate at Cracker Barrel before heading back to Nebraska. The trip back to Bridgeport took longer than we would have liked because of bathroom breaks, but we made it safely to Bridgeport at 4:00 pm. We stayed for a 1.5 visiting my parents and then headed back to Bluffs to pick up Callie. Everyone was exhausted when we got home and we enjoyed the quiet evening. Saturday was a LAZY day. WE really did a whole lot of nothing. Jake went and bought a fish tank for Callie’s new fish and we had fun setting it up. Callie also had fun texting everybody about our newest addition. At 2:30 pm my Mom picked up Lilly. Lilly got to stay with my parents and had a great time. They even let her sleep in the camper with Grammie of course. Saturday evening Jake, Callie, Paisley, and I went to the carnival. It was fun to get out and Callie had fun riding the big rides. That little girl is fearless. She also won another fish. It was a good thing because my sister called me this afternoon and told me the first fish didn’t make it. I debated whether to tell her tell her or not, but opted for the truth. She took it well, but we decided to get a couple more at Walmart. Callie and Lilly names their fish Goldie, Zingy, and Rosie. Today we went to church and spent time as a family. The biggest challenge of the day was Lilly’s meds. She hates Saturday and Sundays because she has to take bactrum. I am not sure whether her tummy gets upset or she just makes herself up set, but she puked again. Luckily, my parents also stopped by this evening and we had a nice visit easing Jake and I’s lack of impatience. I am hopeful we will have a good week. Please continue to pray for Kelli as she is recovering from her brain surgery. Please also pray for Amelia as she starts more chemo. We love you!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:04:02 +0000

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