July 10, 2013 | 24234 Days Since Al-Nakba (The Catastrophe) – - TopicsExpress


July 10, 2013 | 24234 Days Since Al-Nakba (The Catastrophe) – Gaza has been under siege for 2221 days The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is known as al-Nakba - the Palestinian “Catastrophe" - and is commemorated on Nakba Day on the 15th of May every year, the day after Israeli Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Throughout its history Israel has denied that al Nakba - which started just years after the Holocaust - ever took place, and just recently the Israeli government passed a fascist law that allows the denial of state funding to NGOs that participate in Nakba commemorations. In 2009, it banned the use of the term “Nakba” in school textbooks. Palestinians don’t consider the Nakba to have ever ended, rather, as Israel continues its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to this day - evicting them from their homes and demolishing others’ - it is ongoing. Al-Nakba is Arabic for “The Catastrophe” referring to the death, destruction and dispossession of Palestinians during the creation of the State of Israel when Zionist forces dispossessed 531 Arab towns or villages and 11 Arab urban areas with almost complete looting of Palestinian property and wealth, including the banks, properties, businesses, fields and orchards.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 05:39:13 +0000

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