July 12, 2014 PM; SUNSET MANNA SPIRITUAL APPETIZERS INSPIRED THOUGHTS – INSPIRATION SERIES * Many are attempting to receive the washing of water by the Living Word with the filthy waters of death, for they have gone to the fountains of the letter and not the fountains of the Spirit. Heed this admonition and know that love speaks to you. God has sent forth a renewal of the Living Word in you. Now embrace this experience again, and behold people and things all around you come alive. The living words in you shall produce life. Now go and proclaim the life that is in you. * It is God who has turned your heart toward himself. When goodness does not lead you to repentance, then ingratitude has short-circuited your love for him. Fall on him, the rock, and be broken again, then will gratitude spring forth out of your brokenness. He has waited on your repentance while pride and rebellion fought against you in a very subtle way. The Lord’s mercy found you in a war with them and rescued you from their clutches. * Jesus has come that you might have abundant life. Do not allow this abundance of life and its fruit to spoil you. Reach out with a grateful heart and always consider the lack that others are suffering. The lack in others should motivate you to consider those who are not blessed as you are. Your time of prosperity is a time to allow the light of love to shine upon others so that they may also be motivated to love God with all their hearts. * Your pride has stood up in the face of your sins and condemned you. Do not allow your pride to place a damper on your faith in God’s forgiveness and justification. Remember, justification declares you not guilty; therefore, do not demoralize God’s love for you. His blood will not lose its power; neither, will his faithfulness turn and run from you. Lift up your eyes unto the bosom of grace and find a resting place there. His grace is sufficient for you now and forever. Only believe. * God’s blessings make you rich, and they do not add any sorrow. Stewardship must be rooted and grounded in you, or goodness will spoil you. He has given you a right heart that you may be balanced in your thought life during the time of prosperity. Continue to give abundantly, and the abundant life that he came to bring shall never cease. Hoard up the things that he allows to come to you, and they shall be the quicksand that swallows you up. Consider others and their needs, and then will love pave a highway for you to walk on instead of a swamp for you to live in. * God has stretched forth the hands of grace and embraced you. Do not spurn the love that caused him to give you grace in abundance. The same love that caused him to go to Calvary for you has motivated him to save you from the hands of deceitful and wicked spirits that had hemmed you in. Because love lives inside of you, love made a way of escape in your temptation, and now you have been borne up on love’s wings. The Lord has flown you out of the trap that was laid before you. Look down and back at your spiritual enemies. They were hungry for your blood and your name, but God has saved you and glorified his name that you wear; therefore, rejoice. * Our enemy will try to sell us the empty desert as he advertises it as paradise. We have seen beyond the horizon of this life and tasted of the powers of the world to come. We have been called as a generation of priests into the Holy of Holies. This place of intense and fervent love is the residence that God desires for us. In the temple, the priests had chambers on winding stairs that were above the Holy of Holies. God has provided a place to meet us and for us to reside. No wonder David ended his epoch Psalm with the statement, “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Don Grigsby)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:19:53 +0000

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