July 15 Monday, 15th Week of OT, St. Banaventure, Bishop and - TopicsExpress


July 15 Monday, 15th Week of OT, St. Banaventure, Bishop and Doctor, Memorial R1: Ex 1: 8-14. 22 Gospel: Mat 10: 34- 11: 1 Reflection by: Bro. Yoseph Bala Roma, SS.CC Love Him, Then The Neighbor A religious, in this day and age, has to live with full awareness in doing anything and be aware of any offer that seems too good to be true. Consciousness and alertness helps a religious to focus and remain dependent and still continue to love Jesus. By doing so, he remains capable of delivering the pure love to his neighbor. My awareness comes from my experience. In a particular month, I received many invitations and offers to participate in some spiritual activities. I received many offers from the community, and from my brothers and sisters in the convent. I enjoyed all of it, because it was my way to show my love for my community by being a part of it. However, I forgot to dedicate my services completely to God. I forgot my personal prayer; I forgot to remain close to Christ himself. The result of it all was that I felt less happy, and even arrogance began to emerge, which eventually sparked anger on some relatives that had little or no understanding of my physical exhaustion. I was being selfish with myself and I was grateful to be able to recognize it so I immediately renewed my prayer life. The readings today remind me to first, make room for God to live and love me, and thus enable me to love him. By loving and serving my neighbor well, I am doing His work for others, according to His will.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 01:57:37 +0000

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