July 15th Birth-Date Personality Sun in the last 3 degrees of - TopicsExpress


July 15th Birth-Date Personality Sun in the last 3 degrees of Gemini means it is in “Vargottam Navamansh” which means the person is an all-rounder with a multi-faceted personality. The date of 15 ruled by Venus is a highly lucky date and is a result of good karma in past multiple births. This is a birth-date of karmic reward. Venus influence also shows love for good things in life and desire for good life or luxury / opulence. There is hardly any rough edge to their personality which is good or bad depending on which field you are in! The soul wants to balance things around and establish harmony in their surroundings. Of course, Gemini Sun brings some spice and vibrancy to this date. It adds quick thinking, quick wit and sense of humor to their already artistic orientation. Gemini Sun can also make person change stance from time to time, express both sides of the coin in a given argument and confuse people as to which side they are! Needless to say that any career requires some kind of expression is perfect for them. Media (Radio, TV), entertainment industry is ideal for sure. Painting, short writing (jingles), poems etc is natural to them. Combination of Venus and Mercury is quite harmonious and assists artistic pursuits. Venus influence can certainly reduce Gemini Sun’s anxiety quite a bit by bringing some balance. However, these folks need constant dose of creativity and variety in what they do. Ask them to do a repetitive job the whole day and they will become miserable!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 03:18:44 +0000

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