July 16, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New - TopicsExpress


July 16, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Colleen Etana - Thoughts On Merging With The Divine (God Working with Colleen Etana Through The Holy Spirit) THOUGHTS ON MERGING WITH THE DIVINE In my humble opinion: Our ideas of what God and Heaven Is, exist in each others perspectives of whatever we think perfect love is based on what we have experienced, read or observed here on earth. Peace, joy, forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, unity, sharing, being helpful to others, receiving help from others, abundance for all, and then there is the idea of no illnesses or sicknesses to deal with, no death to experience ever again. Now thats my idea of Heaven. Cant wait to go home permanently sometimes. I am quite sure my soul is here to also learn Patience, (laughing out loud). Thats just a basic start, but its a good beginning. Seems like such a distant fantasy, for so many of us have not experienced real love on earth, but for bits and pieces, once in awhile, here and there, in what seems like stolen moments. Nothing constant, certainly not our idea of what unconditional love is said to be. The kind of love that loves you no matter what you have ever done. The kind of love that never leaves you. Something that is given, not because we deserve it, but because it just Is. Something that we cannot earn as it is free. It cant be bought or sold. Do we all really need such diverse contrasts to teach us what love is and what love isnt? To help us refine our egos? Iron sharpens iron, until the point reaches maximum sharpness and to continue to subject ourselves to the same lessons over and over only amounts to self abuse after awhile. Do we still need to sink to the level of depravity that others do in order to learn from those experiences ourselves or can we do this through observation alone? Then do we also reach a point where we do not need to keep on observing either? I would rather observe only the beauty around me, leaving the horrors of this world behind. Which is why I do not watch the news anymore. Wisdom tells me I need not experience the same lessons over and over, nor do I need to subject myself to negative experiences just to stay on top of my education here, or keep me on my toes, and the whole point is to ascend to a higher consciousness. Complacency is also not an option. So how to continue to grow through the challenges here without negative experiences? Is this even possible? I think it is entirely possible to grow without negative experiences after a certain point in ones evolution has been reached. So how do we transform ourselves into unconditional love without ever experiencing it for ourselves? By learning what unconditional love is not I suppose. And by accepting and loving ourselves unconditionally. Not seeking for that kind of love outside of ourselves period. For you will never find it anywhere else in this world as it stands right now. The birds and bees seem to know where this love is and exist within it, they will precede us into the Kingdom, until we look within. They accept themselves just the way they are. We can learn alot from Nature. So then what is it about ourselves that we feel we must change in order to love ourselves unconditionally? Personality? Behavior? Our thinking? Whatever creates disharmony in our lives. To learn to live within, in Divine Order, while chaos seems to reign all around us seems to be the best we can achieve here. I myself work daily on communication skills, but have also realized that I cannot nor will I censor every word that comes out of my mouth so as not to offend others, though I strive to give no offense at the same time, for others will always be offended by something we say, no matter how nicely we say it. I will not be forced into silence for their sakes. They need to deal with their own egos. When we think, speak, and act out of love for each other, we are striving to perfect ourselves as a whole, integrated individual, so that we may exist in perfect harmony as a whole species within this Universe, thereby bringing Heaven and Earth together as One through our creative inner transformational processes whilst living within the Creation. Otherwise known as Ascension. Some say to see the Universe as perfect. Perhaps the Universe is perfect, it is just an evolving species like humanity that is not, (yet). What is our idea of perfection then? Perhaps we should not try to define it at all. I repeat strive for excellence, rather than perfection, for we will always fall short of Gods Glory. And perfection does not exist in humans anyway. Excellence is the possibility to be realized. Its almost as if the more intelligent we become, the greater the obstacles that must be overcome. The greater the propensity for destruction. Yet also the greater the propensity for love as well. I am grateful to know that the Universe is Just, in that it is constantly balancing Itself. This is the only idea of perfection I can grasp as yet anyway, to offset the injustices that happen here. It gives me comfort to know that we will have some kind of validation. Since the Universe seems to be in a constant state of perfecting Itself as everything is always evolving, absolute perfection cannot exist where there remains any dis-ease. Yet bacteria and viruses are perfect in their own natures. They do what they were created to do. What we perceive as imperfection may just be a state of mind we need to heal from. Which is to say that not any of it is wrong or right, its just (experiential) existence for this Universe. I accept it is necessary to take cues from God through others that prompt me to rise to a higher understanding of myself, so I may at least achieve some state of excellence in my time here. I am on the path of self improvement and mastery. Some would offer the words of Aristotle, in which he says: There is only one way to avoid criticism; do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. To me this would mean ceasing to exist. Never to express my joys, hopes, dreams, and ideas, being afraid to express myself in case I was to receive any criticism. Then it is said there are no others. Well on earth there most certainly are, for we are not in Heaven just yet, as far as being relieved of the physical body and reincarnation goes, and there are plenty of others creating havoc all over this world that is still not at Peace. If there were no others, then we would not be here learning to perfect our individual selves which we shall retain ever after and there would be no diversity. I understand the concept that all others are another version of myself, but that does not mean I must stay in lower consciousness with them any longer than I must, putting up with their intolerable behavior. So I will keep myself set apart. Even Jesus had to escape from the masses once in awhile. In this world of expressing ourselves, as long as we are here, we will always be subject to the criticisms of others, until the species evolves beyond this type of behavior. It cannot come too soon for me. Even if one was to only express kindness and love, there would still be those who would criticize that. It would seem that the only recourse then is to ignore them and turn the other cheek, just like scripture advises. Compassion balanced with Wisdom to avoid the same traps is what I say. I have found that the trick is not to react to them by taking nothing personally. After practicing this for awhile, we just naturally become this state of being which just Is, and we no longer even have to try. Surrendering to Peace which is like walking on a smooth surface of water. Some say that everyone is as a teacher for us. Im sure this is true to a point as well. Isnt there a time to move past learning from negative beings and duality? To gravitate towards teachers that are on higher levels of consciousness so as to learn new positive lessons? To graduate kindergarten, middle school, high school, earth school too at some point? I need not those lessons any longer and feel I have nothing to learn from depraved negative beings anymore to assist me in overcoming any negative egoic responses. They teach nothing but hate and fear. Im so reaching for higher learning and ways of being. I am ascending while observing myself growing, expanding and maturing. And it feels great! I have lost the world, but gained my Soul. What a relief! Thank God. A Divine Merging of the I AM that I AM, within. I realized I am always thinking of what I could be doing to help humanity. If what I am doing will in future allow me to assist others more in some way. The changes I have gone through are nothing short of modern day miracles. I need not question my motives nor doubt myself anymore. For they will always be about the highest good of the All. My ego is only a positive identity now. I have been healed through my own free will choices as well as all the help from High Heaven Ive received when I made them. Working with Heaven instead of against it, you could say. I used to worry about why I couldnt perform the same miracles as are written that Jesus performed, if that is what it meant to be a Messiah. Well it means much more than doing magic tricks to prove to others who I Am or what God is capable of. It means that I do not have to prove anything to anyone anymore, not even my self. It also means that I now realize, I AM ONE AWESOME MIRACLE, no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does. Nothing can bind the strong woman of this house except pure Love, that which I will always welcome. Nor will I ever be lost again. For now I have found my True Self, and I AM fearless. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/2277/thoughts-on-merging-divine#ixzz37gWtsovH
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:57:04 +0000

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