July 17, 2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO Bankrupt 1933 - TopicsExpress


July 17, 2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO Bankrupt 1933 CORPORATION: Ambassador Mbarek Afekouh and UNITED NATION world leaders, People of the World. Eminent domain on LAND GRAB it is a indigenous trust between the Onerous Fiduciary benefactor and Sovereignty Immunity beneficiary,Not the United states Government to over throw the Powers of Sovereign Nations. We ask for the suspension of the Onerous Fiduciary Immunity Powers that took full advantage here using sovernority powers of treaty truest obligation, and are neglected on the highest level of crime between the benefactor and beneficiary. We request that the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis be placed immediately, without hesitation, against the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe, State of South Dakota and all Government Office, Head Federal Bureau of Investigation, Tracy Toulou of Department of Justice, and the United States Corporate Government, all offices, agencies and departments be fined a sum certain in the amount of $ 630 billion and that the same sum certain be placed against the Corporate STATES, THEREOF; Furthermore all members of the Congress, JOHN AND JANE DOES, past and present, be criminally charged, Indicted by Grand Jury, and upon conviction(s) be sentences to adequate jail terms and all of the United states of America mission building, AKA Embassies, be seized worldwide. I [Joann Spotted Bear] mato gleska, accept your oath of office as truth. I reserve and preserve all my rights UCC-1-308 Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and I relinquish none thereof with prejudice. , Uberrimae Fidei under contract as well as Uberrima Fides ultimate good faith in contract is BREACHED!!! Treason of Treaty, Honest Service Fraud LAND THEFT IS A DEATH SENTENCES. There is No United States/United States of America rather THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, dba, CORPORATION, SEE 28 U.S.C. @ 3002 Definitions 15) United States means A) a Federal Corporation; a DE FACTO, BANKRUPT, CORPORATION THUS HAVE NO-- NO !! Eminent Domain!! THEY HAVE NO LAWS AND STATUTES THEY DO NOT HAVE SOVEREIGNTY as they are and have been bankrupt 4-times; the first following the Revolutionary War: Remember a bankrupt nation is no longer sovereign. This Corporation (1779) a French Corporation was established by what 3-entities? Now Foreign to us? Correct? Can you say Corporate Policy rather than law and statute AKA Fraud? Eminent domain on LAND GRAB FROM THE UNITED STATES SO LONG AS WE ARE AWARE OF THESE ISSUES AND THEY ARE NOT CLEARED UP. THE FIRST REAL TREATY OF THE MARZOCCO is of PEACE, FRIENDSHIP AND TRADE: We should be able to go to the auditor page of any county and see when a land was purchased, how, under taxes, Why is this a issue to start with? Where did they get the Allodial Title to the Land? The Creator? There are none! no Bill of sales of the Land. TREATIES WROTE OUT OF THE BYLAWS OF THE LAND SUCH AS THE NEVADA ROYAL JASPER QUARTERLY SUCH AS FEDERAL BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. INTERNATIONALLY SOVEREIGNTY TREATIES FOR SALE BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS for $38.00 THE U344 OR N 344 LAND THEFT by FEDERAL BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO Bankrupt CORPORATION: TREATIES are wrote out of the by law of NEVADA ROYAL JASPER QUARTERLY Records of the Bureau of Land Management [BLM] recently Harry Reid gave back 74,000 acres to 7 tribes here in Nevada ,I can not give you a exact date.HARRY REID has no BUSINESS given back land to anyone as it is all indigenous trust between the Onerous Fiduciary benefactor and Sovereignty Immunity beneficiary. MUCH OF MY INFORMATION IS BEING DELETED OFF MY FACEBOOK PAGE OR USA TODAY -USA TODAY Networks Bear Week kicks off - Worldnews article.wn/view/.../USA_TODAY_Networks_Bear_Week_kicks_off/ 1 day ago - INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AT THE UNITED NATIONS - INDIGENOUS PEOPLES VOICE with JOANN SPOTTED BEAR. Published: 08 May 2014.404 Not Found-when i spoke inside the UNITED NATION in front of Madam Chair of the United Nations webtv.un.org/meetings-events/index.php/watch/11th-meeting-permanent-forum-on-indigenous-issues-thirteenth-session-12-23-may-2014/3578607424001 theses video that can not be share via Facebook https://youtube/watch?v=j_O8c2fMX34. or video link youtu.be/qI2av802i-M?list=UUxUsSZ6p2p2QHBSgMiNoloQ.. with National Congress for American Indians and the People of the World and the Leaders. THE GOVERNMENT SURE THE HELL --DOES NOT WANT THE WORLD HEAR ABOUT IT One reason that I do not like Notice to the Hague is because Published Public Notice on the www is sufficient to the world, and the other implication that the Hague is somehow wielding power over me! IN CRIMINAL MATTERS -concerning 1749 [lord Stanley] you exercise no authority over indian tribes. in the fallowing there are matter that have affected the Great Red Nation of Turtle Island, renamed United States Of America clearly showing dictatorship of dictatorship and combative ownership of under compulsive undereducated 8 th grade drop outs, using black Ink and white paper an when that fails, open of hostility of gun wars and or death,or considered incompetent or place you in jail or prison for life just to avoid the truth. or you are wrote out of history, As if the living breathing person never existed in life at all. This is also known as premeditated murder using the War powers or Black Ink on white papers in essence with no concern for human life or the Eminent domain for human life and land grab. So the question became, did the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States extend into the states? And by the graces of our Creator I have found that all you have to do is think. That’s called praying, that’s called concentrating, that’s called meditating but it’s actually called thinking. If you think about a specific subject for long enough and something will come to you. I was looking in the books that I have for something and I did some work on the computer looking for something. We werent coming up with much of anything but we were constantly thinking about it. It was on our minds for several days. And the universe will send something to you when you’re thinking on something long enough and Dave called me. He said, ‘I just got an interesting e-mail from somebody. This guy tells us that there’s a case that says that the United States government doesnt have any authority anywhere except in Washington, D.C. and the places that the Constitution gave them authority over and no other authority. And I said, ‘what’s the case?’ He said, Caha v. United States Also us v Bond On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:18 AM, David lee Buess wrote:Facsimile 8 June 2012 [david-lee; family of buess: [BUESS] P.A.G., A.R.R. 22014 Delaware Township Road 184 Arlington, Ohio Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) 45814 Phone 419 694 5796 Fax 419 694 1018 This Fax number has call blocker. Your Fax must have both Caller Id and Phone Number. TO: International Court of Justice Peace Palace Carnegiepelin 2 2517 KJ the Hague The Netherlands Fax 011 31 70 364 9928 Lawful Notice and Demand Proof is herein demanded of this INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE whereby proof the document entitled “The Constitution Of the United States of America”, the U.S. Constitution, al et al, was lawfully copy written into International Law under the “BANKRUPTCY ACT OF 1933. Failure of this document to be copy written into International Law stands as proof of collusion to overthrow the lawful government of we the people by the following entities: 1) Federal Employees and Branches of Government, League of Nations, United Nations, British Government, Vatican, International Bankers: a) Office of President b) Congress c) Judicial Branches established within this lawful document. Furthermore: whereas it is only through this “Constitution” that any lawful agency, department, offices is established the omission of said “Constitution” to be copy written into International Law means no lawfully established “offices”, “agencies”, departments of government were ever lawfully turned over to the receivers of the Bankruptcy as it is only through this “Constitution” said offices exist and the Bankruptcy Act is Fraud in the Inducement, null and void, ab initio. Furthermore it is demanded that should this “Constitution” not be lawfully copy written into International Law that all entities listed above be criminally charged with Collusion to Overthrow the Government of these union States (50) under Article II [8] did willfully violate said Oath of Office as President and committed an overt act of Treason and this Office of President is now and has been a de facto office. The President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, FDR, did through Executive Orders aid and abed the enemies of these union States (50). Furthermore: Article III Section 3[1] Treason against the United States .... in adhering to their enemies, give them Aid and Comfort would include other Federal Employees and foreign entities listed above: Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government, al et al. Furthermore: All entities listed above have colluded to steal the Treasury of these union States (50) dating back to the early 1900’s via the Federal Reserve System and enacted without a Constitutional Amendment in violation of 8 Powers Granted to Congress [5] To coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coins, and fix the Standard of Weight and Measures. The Federal Reserve Act/System was a private Bill established on Jekyll Island and not the Halls of Congress through Fraud by Trickery 18 U.S.C. 4. Misprision of Felony; 18 U.S.C. 1344 Bank Fraud (1) to defraud a financial institution - IE The Treasury of the United States; (2) to obtain any of the moneys; funds, credit; assets, securities, or other properties owned by: or under the custody or control of: a financial institution: by means of false or fraudulent pretenses: representations: or promises: see Executive orders of FDR example 6102, Trading with the Enemies Act, Administrative Procedures Act and Congressional Record. It is the lawful responsibility of every citizens to make sure his/her government is being ran the way it is intended to be ran: 16 American Jurist Prudence Section 177 ... any law written in violation of this “Constitution” is as though it were never written. Evidence presented above is proof the entities mentioned are guilty of collusion to overthrow the Constitutional Government of these union States (50). Disclaimer: I, david-lee family of Buess, and these whom are joining me in this document in support, reserve the right to amend or make further corrections to this document: without Leave of Court, without Prejudice as further information becomes available. Furthermore: Claimant(s) do not agree to any civil penalties nor criminal penalties contained in any Banking Act, Forms, Documents, Acts of Congress, Laws, Statutes, Codes, containing a ZIP Code as it is Fraudulent use of the Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP CODE) - entrapment as forced use is a criminal act (Domestic Mail Services Regulation, Section 122.32. Ref. Postal Reorganization Act, Section 403, (Public Law 91-375 as residents of these union States are not U.S. Citizens of the District of Columbia as this ZIP CODE represents itself as false jurisdictional authority over the residents of a union State (50) men and women, al et al: (See Hoven and Allison v. Evatt 65 S. Ct. 870,880, 321 U.S. 6523; 89 L Ed 12.52 Two Political Jurisdictions of Congress): I, david-lee; family of buess, have made these statements voluntarily and under my own free will Signed on this the 8th day of June 2012 and do herein state I am an American Citizen (not a U.S. Citizen which is fraud by trickery) and usurpation by Federal Employees over the American people. Joann Spotted Bear- Mato Gleska ____________________________ Mato-Gleska - Joann Spotted Bear Tetuwan Treaty Representative of Wounded Knee Massacre 1890 as A TREATY MEMBER consent is value forward as value accepted: Bad Man Removed Disclaimer: I, Joan Spotted Bear, AKA: Matoweyen; Director: A.R.R. , Tetuwan Lakota Oyate Nation: P.O.W. 344 AKA Reservation; reserve the right to amend or make further corrections to this document: Without prejudice as further information becomes available. Furthermore: I do not agree to any civil penalty nor criminal penalties as my investigations into the facts/evidence was given me without any force, duress and or threats. P. O. Box 20306 Reno, NV 89515 775-622-1271
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:00:05 +0000

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