July 20, 2014 Dear MoFed Members, Once again HSUS has - TopicsExpress


July 20, 2014 Dear MoFed Members, Once again HSUS has reared its ugly head in the state of Missouri by spreading propaganda and misinformation about Amendment 1, the Farming Rights Amendment, which will appear on the August 5th ballot. HSUS is masterful at dividing and conquering the forces against them and their fight against Amendment 1 is a classic example. They are spreading fear and anxiety among the farming community and laughing all the way to the bank as many in the farming community struggle to understand what the Farming Rights Amendment does. First of all, Amendment 1 simply states: “The right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state, subject to duly authorized powers, if any, conferred by article VI of the Constitution of Missouri”. On the ballot, it will read “A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to guarantee the rights of Missourians to engage in farming and ranching practices, subject to any power given to local government under Article VI of the Missouri Constitution”. Allow me to explain the origin of the Farming Rights Amendment. During the 2013 Legislative Session, many of the member groups of Missouri Farmers Care (including board member group MoFed) joined forces at our state capitol to write the wording we desired on the ballot to protect farming and ranching against constant attacks by outside forces such as the deep-pocketed HSUS and other radical animal rights and environmental organizations. Prop B was a wake-up call, and to sit idly by and allow those wealthy groups to attack us over and over, bleeding us of all resources to fight back, was not an option we were willing to accept. So, we decided to do our best to fight those who wish to eliminate each of our industries in this state. We worked very closely with bill sponsor Senator Mike Parson, Senator Brian Munzlinger, Representative Jason Smith (who is now Congressman Smith), and Representatives Bill Rieboldt and Casey Guernsey along with many other legislators who were dedicated to protecting our number one industry of agriculture. We did not define agriculture as livestock and food-source animals because we wanted a broader range of folks engaged in agriculture to be included, so we used the broad terms of farming and ranching, which would include producers of pets and various other animals. While the original language was our preference, the threat of a filibuster in the Senate and the ultimate killing of the bill resulted in multiple re-writes in order to ensure its bipartisan approval. Many meetings with attorneys specializing in constitutional law along with executives and lobbyists for such groups as Missouri Farmers Care, Farm Bureau, Cattlemen, Pork Producers, MoFed and others led to the language that will appear on the ballot August 5th. Since it was a proposed constitutional amendment, it did not require the governors signature and went straight to the ballot exactly as we had written it. Many questions have surfaced about Amendment 1. HSUS has masterminded a campaign filled with propaganda and exaggerations to cast doubt in the minds of supposed supporters by claiming that this only protects large corporations such as Monsanto and that it will allow Missouri land to be swallowed up by China and other countries. Amendment 1 includes protecting the rights of the smallest farmer who may only have one cow, small organic farmers, those who plant row crops (regardless of how small the operation), and everyone engaged in agriculture practices. It DOES NOT protect only large corporations while leaving the small farmer out! Amendment 1 DOES NOT allow foreign countries to come into our state and buy up our land! Missouri state law allows only 1% foreign ownership of agriculture land. ONLY 1%! Amendment 1 DOES NOT eliminate local control of agriculture practices! DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HSUS! They DO NOT want Amendment 1 to pass because it would then be much harder for them to pass laws and ballot measures limiting farming and ranching in our state. THEY WANT YOU TO VOTE NO IN ORDER TO GIVE THEM EASIER ACCESS TO ELIMINATING YOUR INTEREST!!!!! Remember, A NO VOTE ON AMENDMENT 1 is a YES VOTE FOR HSUS!! We encourage you to spread the word to protect agriculture in our state. PLEASE VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 1 AUGUST 5TH. Ask your friends, neighbors and family to do the same. We MUST pass this amendment now or we become sitting ducks waiting for the next attack by HSUS! Please do you part and secure as many votes as possible to ensure victory for farmers and ranchers August 5th! Karen Strange, President Missouri Federation of Animal Owners Brent Haden was one of the attorneys we consulted in writing the wording of Amendment 1. Please read his response to the HSUS campaign against the passage of Amendment 1. ISSUED BY MISSOURI FARMERS CARE: Farming Rights Amendment – Background information, talking points and things to do Be sure to share with your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. The following excerpt is from attorney Brent Haden with Haden & Byrne Law Firm in Columbia. Opponents are trying to convince Missourians Amendment 1 is bad for family farms. This is false. Amendment 1, also known as the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment, will help family farmers the most by providing a level of protection against overly restrictive laws and regulations being pushed by out-of-state animal activist groups. Read on to find answers to other questions. The Right to Farm amendment, if passed, will make farming and ranching a right in Missouri, similar in scope and protection to the speech, religion and gun rights already in Missouris Constitution. The Right to Farm amendment is critical to ensure the long term future of agriculture in Missouri. It will create the regulatory certainty necessary for agriculture to grow and thrive in Missouri, and help guarantee that families in future generations can continue to farm and ranch across our state. Since the passage of the Right to Farm amendment (through the legislature for inclusion on the August 5th ballot in Missouri), Ive received several questions about the amendment. Here are some of the most common questions and answers: Why is this amendment necessary? Missouris entire economic history is tied to agriculture, and agriculture remains the states most important business sector. However, as agriculture has changed fewer people are directly connected to farms and ranches by occupation or through family. This has made agriculture vulnerable to attacks from well-funded outside groups that push misinformation on the public to pass burdensome and expensive regulations. These regulations and prohibitions make farming and ranching less profitable, make our food supply less safe and less secure, and cause increased food prices. Weve seen some types of farming and ranching heavily regulated and even outlawed in other states when big spending national groups seeking to damage conventional agriculture have shown up to push an anti-agriculture agenda. These same groups are now targeting Missouri and we are concerned that they will attempt to use the same tactics here. The Right to Farm amendment is intended to protect Missouri farmers and ranchers from these misguided and damaging laws by making farming and ranching a constitutional right in Missouri law. What is required for the Right to Farm amendment to become part of the Missouri Constitution? The Right to Farm amendment must receive a majority of votes cast at the August 5, 2014, statewide election. It is critical all supporters of the Right to Farm amendment turn out and vote for the amendment on August 5, 2014. Will this amendment interfere with a county or city governments ability to regulate agricultural activity? No. The language of the Right to Farm amendment specifically leaves the powers of local governments in place under Article 6 of the Missouri Constitution. If the Right the Farm amendment passes local governments will have all the same powers. What activities are protected by the Right to Farm amendment? The Right to Farm amendment is very broad in its protections. Nevertheless, like our other constitutional protections, its meaning will be more specifically defined by court rulings and state law. The amendments language guarantees the right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices, and protects any activity undertaken by farmers and ranchers to raise crops or animals. However, those who violate laws or regulations would still be subject to enforcement action. Bad actors would not be protected.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:22:05 +0000

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