July 21, 2014 John 4:28-30 (NKJV) “The woman then left her - TopicsExpress


July 21, 2014 John 4:28-30 (NKJV) “The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ? Then they went out of the city and came to Him.” If you read John chapter 4, you have the account only told by John of Jesus encounter with this unnamed woman at Jacob’s well in the city of Sychar in the country of Samaria. It was very unusual for Jews to go through Samaria, it was very unusual for Jews to speak or ask anything from a Samaritan, especially Samaritan women, especially a woman with the reputation this lady had. The lady in today’s scripture was the type of woman that mothers warned their son about and wives threatened their husbands over. J. Vernon McGee said, “This woman was not popular with the women of the town because she was too popular with the men in the town.” I believe it was this woman that Jesus had an appointment with, unknown to her that was the whole reason He passed through Samaria on this trip to Galilee. Sending His disciples into the city to buy food, Jesus set by the well waiting on this lady to show up. By the way she showed up at the most unusual time, around 12 noon, the hottest part of the day. Her schedule did not bring her to the well early in the morning when the rest of the ladies came to draw water for their daily provisions; her lifestyle which brought shame, rejection and guilt kept her away from others. Her life was guilt and shame driven. John 4:7-26 records the dialogue between this woman and Jesus. A conversation that introduced her to living water, a conversation that made her deal with the sin in her life and her sordid past, a conversation that helped her understand what true worship was all about, truth and spirit, a conversation that introduced her to the true Messiah. The dialogue with Jesus changed her life symbolized when she left her waterpot at the well. The dialogue changed her direction symbolized by her going into the city. The encounter with Jesus changed her purpose and passion symbolized by her going back to the old crowd, the men of the city, not to engage in immoral activities as before but to tell them about the Christ she had met and how He had changed her life. When this woman went into the city, the same city the disciples had went shopping in, among the same people that the disciples had bought and bartered for food, she told them about Jesus when the disciples had failed to do so. They had gone into Samaria and never told anyone about this Jesus they were following. They didn’t mention that He had changed water into wine at a wedding in Cana. They didn’t tell anyone about the miracles in Capernaum, the unclean spirit cast out of a church member, Peter’s Mother-in-Law being healed, a leper being cleansed or the paralytic who was let down through the roof on a bed only to have his sins forgiven and to walk out the door carrying the cot that had carried him so many years. These disciples knew enough about Jesus to rock the world, but they went to town, did their shopping and came back with meat and bread only spiritually empty handed. This woman who had seen none of these miracles, who had just had a brief discussion with Jesus but was convinced He was the Christ they had been looking for, became the first New Testament soul winner for Jesus. Many went out of the city and came to Jesus and many of the Samaritans of the city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “HE TOLD ME ALL THAT I EVER DID.” She was the cause of a two day revival in Samaria not the disciples. Too often we who have been on the road for many years have taken this Christ for granted. We go about our business, our daily routines, without mentioning Him to others. How long has it been since you have told someone about this Christ, the Savior of the world? (Verse 42b) PRAY TOGETHER: Father forgive me for not telling others about You, give me the Passion for souls as a new believer in Jesus Name, Your Son who loved me so much that He died for me, amen.”
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:31:30 +0000

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