July 22, 2012 Shalom friends, Within two days 108 people - TopicsExpress


July 22, 2012 Shalom friends, Within two days 108 people found Against all Odds and that is so nice! Were al looking forward to find people that can testify about nessiem, miracles! Baruch HaShem, they are happening. Thank you for liking this page, and please invite your friends to do so! I would be happy to receive your textes, photos, poets, videos, to comfort the people living under terror, and the innocent people under fire, the innocent children used as human shield, and I try to be as updated as possible. If you find a report of a wonder, please sent it to me in the mailbox of Against all Odds and it will be lovely if you can invite your friends to join! Thank to the people that are supporting with their information, their support on the texte, and thank G-d for showing us His support in this time of darkness going around in the world. While Operation Protective Edge goes forth,may G-d bless the Angels of the IDF for doing the job, may the Almighty give insights to the government of Israel to let them make right decisions in the duty to defense Israel - while the Jewish world is mourning about 25 fallen soldiers during Operation Edge. Their memory may be a blessing. Safeguard the people living in Israel, HaShem - let the rockets and bullits beneath our people - tehilla - psalm 91 --- Shalom vrienden, Enorm bedankt voor jullie support tot nu toe. 108 mensen hebben Against all Odds gevonden binnen twee dagen. Om ons allemaal te herinneren dat naast alle ellende die aan Israël en haar bevolking er ook verhalen van bemoediging en ontsnapping aan de dood zijn, ondanks alles. Verhalen van nessiem, videos, cartoons zijn van harte welkom. Terwijl Operation Protective Edge voortgang vindt, waarbij de grondtroepen van de IDF na de IAF (Israelische Luchtmacht) ook actief zijn, bidden we om bescherming van hen die zo moedig het land verdedigen, en wensen we de regering van Israel veel kracht en wijsheid toe de juiste beslissingen te maken in de plicht het land te verdedigen. Mogen de raketten en de kogels die worden afgevuurd doel missen, en de mensen niet raken. (variant op psalm 91).
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:17:44 +0000

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