July 22, 2013 “Let Love Heal You!” My friend, singer, Woola - TopicsExpress


July 22, 2013 “Let Love Heal You!” My friend, singer, Woola “Candy” LaFlora, recorded a song titled, “Love Heals” that talks about the healing, transformative, and restorative characteristics of love. Love will heal you… if you allow it to heal you. Love is the most powerful transformative power in the universe! But here is the key: “When your mind and your lips lose the power to hurt others, you will be transformed from the inside out.” I know it sounds simple, but the reason we have so much “dis – ease” in our relationships, in our emotional life, in our physical bodies, and in our spiritual walk, is because our “love walk” is not consistent. The way we think about people and speak to others does not reflect the love of God in our hearts. God is love and He has value for all those He created. We, too, must value others and let that value be demonstrated by how we think about others, speak to others, and how we treat others. Love is an attitude, a state of mind, and it is an active choice. When someone hurts you or betrays you, it is not enough to “not hate them, not retaliate, or to merely tolerate them.” Those things are passive. God wants us to “actively” love them which means we “do something” that demonstrates value for them. We must choose to love the person and then harmonize our thoughts about them and that will lead to loving actions or treatment. We, for the most part, don’t trust love… because we are cautious and careful about yielding ourselves to the restorative power of love. Often, we have been hurt by others and we don’t trust that God will be any different than that parent, spouse, child, or church-member that hurt us. We actually have a fear that we will be hurt again, but fear can only be expelled by… love. (“…perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment…” 1 John 4:18) Even in the areas of physical and emotional healing, love plays a vital part and is inextricably linked to success in those areas. The Bible declares, “… but faith works by love…” (Galatians 5:6) The Greek word for “works” (energeo) in this passage is translated “energized” in the English language. So our faith is energized, powered, or set in motion… by love. Where love is present, faith can work… where faith is present, all things are possible! Starting today… let love heal you! Michael Gordon
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:20:26 +0000

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