July 25, 1864 - The Atlanta Campaign: HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY - TopicsExpress


July 25, 1864 - The Atlanta Campaign: HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY DIVISION, July 25, 1864. Major-General SHERMAN, Commanding Army: GENERAL: Last night the rest of my command arrived, bringing about 30 prisoners and some hundred negroes. The depot at Social Circle and a large amount of supplies, including a lot of new Government wagons were burned. It will take three or four days to put my command in order. My wagons are not up, and I do not know where they are. I have also over 1,000 horses unshod. I can to all duty required of me on this flank, but, if possible, would like it to be so arranged as not to send me off again for some days. General Sherman spoke to me last night, before I had time to know fully my condition, about some expedition. I could only reply that I would try to carry out all orders, but could not at that time pass my judgment in regard to its probable success or the strength I could bring to bear. If the route is taken proposed by him I think it will amount to a fight with rebel cavalry and very doubtful if much damage can be done. A raid to be a success must be made be light bodies and done quickly and the whole should be a surprise. In connection with a general advance, of course, the cavalry expect to do its share of fighting and drive off that of the enemy. But I regard the two very different affairs. I inclose you the letter of instructions asked for, and in conclusion would mention to your favorable notice my three brigade commanders, Colonel Miller, Colonel Minty, and Colonel Long. They are all good officers and manage their brigades well. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, K. GARRARD, Brigadier-General, Commanding Division *************************************************** HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, near Marietta, July 25, 1864. General GARRARD, Commanding Division of Cavalry: GENERAL; Yours of to-day is received. I beg you will convey to Colonels Minty, Long, and Miller the assurances that I fully appreciate the services recently rendered. I would like to give all the time you ask for rest, reshoeing, &c., but am advised by General Grant that I must be prepared for a re-enforcement to the rebel army from Virginia, and want to prevent it. I am afraid I will have to call on you and also on General Rousseau’s cavalry to start again the day after to-morrow, but I propose that yours and Rousseau’s should be in the nature of support to General Stoneman and General McCook, who will be charged to make the circuit and break the Macon road well to the rear, say below McDonough. I wanted General Stoneman to consult and advise with you and bring me your opinion, but my plan is that all my army shall swing round by the right against East Point, whilst the cavalry right and left move by a circuit, and by detachments reach the railroad so as to cut off the last link of the enemy’s communications. That done, I think we can pause for rest and all sorts of repairs. Every minute we delay will add to the magnitude of the undertaking, which I take it for granted the enemy must apprehended, and will be calling in his scattered cavalry to thwart and prevent it. I am, yours, truly, W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General, Commanding.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 12:50:30 +0000

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