(July 26, 2013) On June 6, 2013, American Legion National - TopicsExpress


(July 26, 2013) On June 6, 2013, American Legion National Commander James E. Koutz had the honor of representing all veterans of the United States at ceremonies commemorating the 69th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France. There, he received the timeless gratitude of a nation liberated by the sacrifices of American military personnel. Unfortunately, and sadly, Commander Koutz was one among precious few Americans there to officially receive the thanks of the French people and all others in attendance. The commander was told that due to budget cuts, no U.S. military units were sent to Normandy this year. No fly-overs were authorized for the Normandy American Cemetery where 9,387 Americans who gave their lives to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany are laid to rest, nor for Pointe du Hoc, where U.S. Army Rangers climbed rope ladders through a hail of deadly enemy gunfire in order to break Hitler’s grip on continental Europe and begin the long, bloody march to victory in World War II. Not even so much as a small honor guard to carry our flag or a rank officer of the U.S. Armed Forces were there to receive these expressions of remembrance and honor on behalf of our fallen heroes. This was an unnecessary embarrassment and an insult to the veterans in attendance, as well as to the French citizens and Normandy officials who annually devote the first week of June every year to a massive expression of honor for U.S. military sacrifices. The sending of an honor guard, an officer, or even a U.S. plane to Normandy for the anniversary would not have wiggled the needle on the Defense budget. Furthermore, it sends the wrong message about the importance America places on its military heritage and current status in the world. Commander Koutz has written letters to President Obama and Defense Secretary Hagel, on behalf of the veterans of the United States and all those who honor American battlefield sacrifices that have made freedom possible for others throughout our nation’s history, asking for their assurance that U.S. military personnel will be permitted to participate in the 70th anniversary commemoration of the D-Day invasion, and those of future years. Rare are the places on this planet where the U.S. military is so honored, respected and remembered. Our military’s failure to attend the 69th anniversary of the invasion, at any level, was perceived by many as a symbol that America is willing to forfeit that gratitude and let our military’s identity as liberators be forgotten. The commander implored the president and secretary both to work with The American Legion to change that perception. Commander Koutz respectfully asks you to help us do the same by sending the prepared message in this alert to your elected officials to ensure this disgrace never happens again!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 02:16:04 +0000

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