July 27 A Place Where Begging is Unnecessary “Let us therefore - TopicsExpress


July 27 A Place Where Begging is Unnecessary “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Heb_4:16 A dignified English solicitor-widower with a considerable income had long dreamed of playing Muirfield, one of Great Britain’s most exclusive golf courses, and one day he made up his mind to chance it when he was traveling in the area. Entering the clubhouse, he asked at the desk if he might play the course. The club secretary inquired, “Member?” To which he replied, “No, sir.” “Guest of a member?” “No, sir.” The answer came back, “Sorry.” As he turned to leave, the lawyer spotted a slightly familiar figure seated in the lounge, reading the London Times. It was Lord Hampton. He approached and, bowing low, said, “I beg your pardon, your Lordship, but my name is Higginbotham of the London solicitors Higginbotham, Willinby and Barclay. I should like to crave your Lordship’s indulgence. Might I play this beautiful course as your guest?” His Lordship gave Higginbotham a long look, put down his paper and asked, “Church?” “Church of England, sir, as was my late wife.” “Education?” “Eton, sir, and Oxford.” “Sport?” “Rugby, sir, a spot of tennis and No. 4 on the crew that beat Cambridge.” “Service?” “Brigadier, sir, Coldstream Guards. Victoria Cross and Knight of the Garter.” “Campaigns?” “Dunkirk, El Alamein and Normandy, sir.” “Languages?” “Private tutor in French, fluent German and a bit of Greek.” His Lordship considered this briefly, then nodded to the club secretary and said, “Nine holes.” My friends, this World will have you jump through a lot of hoops just to have some of your dreams sort of come true; but it is not this way with the Lord. “If any man thirsts let him come unto Me and drink,” Jesus said, “and out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water!” You will find fulfillment like no other in a friendship with Jesus. Yes, while the Lords and Dukes of this world would have us bow and grovel for their fleeting favors, the King of Heaven welcomes us into His royal presence as we are and greets us as friends! When you “tee it up” with Jesus the sky is the limit — and, of course, it has no ceiling. In His presence you will find the place where begging is unnecessary, and living full and free is endless! “Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need!”
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:47:07 +0000

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