July 3, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity - TopicsExpress


July 3, 2014 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Alert Geomagnetic Storm Time Shift In Progress 6.6 Magnitude Raoul Island, New Zealand Earthquake Hurricane Arthur Yesterday, July 2, 2014, I reported that Earth was experiencing unsettled magnetic field conditions. At the time, I noted that I had not received any significant Time Shift marker reports that would indicate that a Time Shift was in progress. Today, July 3, 2014, Earth experienced short lived geomagnetic storm conditions. Check out NOAA k-index chart showing the geomagnetic storm conditions. Also today, there was a large 6.6 - 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Raoul Island, New Zealand. On June 23, 2014 this same area was involved in a 7.2 - 6.9 earthquake that was also a Time Shift marker. Not all earthquake monitoring sites record the same earthquake at the same magnitude. Todays large New Zealand quake was a Time Shift marker. There are other Time Shift markers too, including Time Shift Living Dead events. Here is a reminder of what I teach, about the connection between some Time Shifts, some earthquakes, some geomagnetic storms, and some extreme weather. Earthquakes happen every day. Large earthquakes do not happen every day. Certain types of earthquakes are one of the Time Shift markers included in my Time Shift alerts. This particular Time Shift as triggered by the geomagnetic storm, which triggered due to a Sun-Earth energy connection. The earlier unsettled field conditions may have been a contributor. Some solar activity can cause Earth directed releases of powerful solar energy. This solar energy can be in the form of a coronal mass ejection [CMEs], a solar wind, or other forms of energy. Some Earth directed CMEs and solar winds can trigger geomagnetic storms and unsettled magnetic field conditions. This activity does not cause earthquakes, although to someone not aware of the Time Shift element involved, which is the actual trigger, it may seem as if the geomagnetic storm is the cause of a noteworthy quake. This wrong deduction, that geomagnetic storms cause big earthquakes, is what is called a false positive deduction. A false positive deduction can happen when a person does have enough data to make the correct information deduction. The missing data involves the triggering of Time Shift activity. Time Shifts, and associated time line edits, involve a change of frequencies and the construction of a new dominant co-existing time line. Earths tectonic plates, and earthquake faults, are sensitive to this activity. Earthquakes themselves produce their own frequencies. This particular large earthquake was a Time Shift marker, based on Time Shift research criteria. A Time Shift triggered earthquake doesnt necessarily have a large magnitude. Some Time Shift triggered earthquakes have small to moderate magnitudes. But, often a large magnitude is the case. Also remember this: Time Shifts and time line edits do not intentionally cause geophysical events, extreme weather events, or disasters. They are unintentional results of some Time Shift activity. So watch out for people who claim a direct cause and effect between CMEs, geomagnetic storms, and earthquakes. The same goes for those who link extreme weather to geomagnetic storms, such as the current Hurricane Arthur. They arent working with all the facts. But you are, because youre reading this report and are following my research. As I always say, keep a sharp awareness lookout for Time Shift markers. They are often the key to knowing when Time Shift and time line edit activity is in progress. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts starfiretor/CoreMatrix/TSAlerts_TOC.html
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:38:40 +0000

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