July 6- Into Utah: With state number 7 down, there are only 3 more - TopicsExpress


July 6- Into Utah: With state number 7 down, there are only 3 more to go. It is becoming progressively more difficult not to think of California. For this entire trip, I have been focusing on one state at a time; however, when walking into Utah today, the license plates on cars started reminding me of the final destination. Ever since we walked into the state, I have been seeing (or now just focusing on) what seems to be hundreds of vehicles stamped with California plates. In a way it is exciting, yet taunting all at once. The state of Utah is going to be a huge challenge in itself. It marks the beginning of long desert stretches containing little if any services (water, food, shelter etc.). As I was planning this walk, my reasons for purchasing the jogging stroller simmered down to this final month and a half of walking in order to haul numerous gallons of water: aka, the nectar of life. I expect sleep patterns to change and the morning walks through these upcoming stretches to begin around 4am with an afternoon rest until around 4pm before finishing each days walk around 6-630pm. Let the blast furnace ignite! Hopefully I will not become too crispy by the end of this state. A nice medium-well will suffice. Today on the road we met 2 cross country bikers on the way to Monticello, UT named Chris and Kirsty. Chris gave us a topographical map of Utah since they were headed east! Kirsty actually met Chris on her way west from San Francisco. She came to America all the way from England and is biking to raise money for the Brain Research Trust, a cause near to her heart... m.piquenewsmagazine/whistler/whistlerite-cycling-across-america-in-support-of-neurological-research/Content?oid=2553697 All the best to you both!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:07:30 +0000

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