July 6, 2014 Vero Beach, FL The last several days have been - TopicsExpress


July 6, 2014 Vero Beach, FL The last several days have been every rainy day song that has ever been written. I asked Pete, the diver, if this was normal summer weather and he responded with a shrug saying, “Pretty much, except when it’s not.” I’d thought to head over to the art museum but was reluctant to chance getting soaked walking to the park. It is not so much that I can’t handle getting wet, it’s more of a “Why bother” when I don’t have to. The museum will be there, just like the beach, so there isn’t any pressure. Maybe next week or the week after. I talked with my friend, Tim, up in New Bern, asking him how he had weathered the hurricane. He replied that it was pretty much a non-event. I was happy that he’d weathered the storm without a problem. When Marina and I first brought Kittiwake north we had dock where Tim is presently tied up. That particular marina had sustained substantial damage in a storm the previous summer and ultimately we had to leave while they effected repairs. I naturally felt concern for my friend when thinking of where he was at. I asked Tim if he would be interested in helping me sail the boat to Galveston, TX, next winter and he thought that would be a great adventure. I’m planning to cut across Florida through the Okeechobee canal and lake then sail across the Gulf of Mexico to somewhere near Galveston. My Cousin, Ernie says he is interested as well so it should be grand time for the three of us. The 4th of July started out nice but got all weathered up until just before 2100 when they fired off the rockets somewhere nearby in the city. I could hear the booms even through the headphones I used to listen to the video I was watching. I talked with my daughter on the phone for about a half hour and it was a good visit. They had planned to go to the beach but the storm got in the way. My grandson, Jude, will start pre-school this fall, which I expect will be a cool experience for the lad. Today started out sunny so I bagged up my dirty laundry along with a bottle of soap and headed up to do my wash. Plugging in a fist full of coins, pouring a cap of soap on top of the sheets, shirts, shorts and underwear I pushed a couple of buttons, closed the lid and as the water started filling the machine I headed over to the lounge to watch TV. Watched the British Grand Prix road race. That was pretty exciting. Then I watch the Wimbledon men’s final with a couple of fellow sailors, one from South Africa and the other from Kent, England. They were helping a friend move his sailboat up to the Chesapeake but had gotten stymied by the weather. It was raining outside so hard that the road was a river so we just sat talking as we watched the game. The fellow from South Africa and I had a lot in common. He and his wife had lived in Southern California and we talked sailing in Channel Islands and some of the harbors we had both been to. After the tennis match was over the rain had slacked off some so I loaded up my clean clothes and headed back to the boat. I fixed myself a peanut butter sandwich and promptly to a long long nap. I woke up at close to 1700. For some reason I can’t seem to keep my internet connection going for more than a few minutes at a time which means no video tonight. I’ll just read some I guess. That’s all that is going on for me right now. Thanks for coming along on the voyage.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:14:02 +0000

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