July 9, 2014 Hi! Sorry I have been so out of touch but the truth - TopicsExpress


July 9, 2014 Hi! Sorry I have been so out of touch but the truth of the matter is that I am kinda at a standstill in treatment and I am really not doing well. I am really trying hard to hold on and hoping that there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel, but I am still continuing this dark tunnel with no end in sight. They say “everything happens for a reason,” but I am still trying to find out the reason why I was selected to suffer from this horrible disease. People say to have “Hope”! But I kind of laugh because I can’t really do that anymore. The word “HOPE” just doesn’t mean ‘a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.’ It also means to ‘hold on, pain ends.’ However, in my case I don’t know how much longer I can do that. The pain and suffering is just unbearable. I really can’t take it anymore. I plead with my father to just ‘close your eyes and knock me out!’ Nothing and I mean nothing is helping. I am on high doses of meds… meds that would probably kill a horse. But for me… they aren’t even helping a bit. All I can do is cry and scream in pain because it is just excruciating. I take all my meds… over 50 pills a day… and I just can’t get a bit of relief. I feel like I am being pulled in all different directions and being run over by cement trucks 24 hours a day. I feel like gasoline is being poured on me and I am on fire and I am blistering all the time. I am so distended that I feel like I am over 9 months pregnant and that need someone to ‘pop’ me. When is this ever going to end? The truth of the matter is that I am doing worse than ever and to be honest I feel like I am in this all alone. It is so ironic. The people in your life who say, ‘I’m always going to be here for you.’ Are the ones that walk away first. You really learn who your true friends are when you get sick. I have so much going on and yet… I feel like that the people I always thought would be there for me are gone. My family is suffering so much and we need so much help. I need the help of others in order to survive. I was never a ‘beggar’ or someone that really asked a lot of people. However, I am at the point where I am desperate and I am really needing all the help that I can get. I know how tight money is in today’s world and how people are afraid to be without it. But, I wish they would only also see where I am coming from. I wish they would see from my shoes that I am 32 years old and without the help others, I am going to die. I just can’t just let it happen! I am not even asking a lot. I have seen many times that when we have huge disasters like terrorism, hurricanes, etc. people come together to help each other out. However, I am not one big natural disaster, but I am still a very important person in the world who doesn’t want to die. Therefore, I really wish that people would come together to help me live. I need people to come together to help me raise enough money so that I can raise money to afford the necessary treatment that I need to save my life. I am rapidly deteriorating and time is definitely not on my side. There are so many people in this world and if we all just came together and everyone even just donated a single $1, I would easily be able to receive the necessary treatment that I need to save my life. After all, there are 316,128,839 people in the United States. That is plenty of people to help save my life! I’ve always helped others when I was well, so why can’t I be helped now that I need it? Why can’t people return the favor that I have given countless times whether it was to the poor, the old, the sick, etc. When I was well, I would help anyone that was in need. If there was a collection going on, I would donate. If the veterans were outside collecting money and giving out poppies, I would donate. If it was holiday time, I would make sure that I would buy presents for the homeless and less fortunate so that they could have a better holiday. If there was a walk-a-thon or another fundraiser, I would donate. But how come I can’t I be helped now in the same way I have helped others? I have tried so many times to raise money. I have made posters, made bracelets, blogged, pleaded on Facebook, wrote to the media, etc. However, I haven’t really been successful. Unfortunately it isn’t ‘what’ you know in this world, but ‘who’ you know and in this world… I am out of luck because I really don’t know anyone in that field. I always wanted to make a difference in the world. I wanted to be a doctor so that I could help others. So I am only hoping that I will be able to get better so that I can live a long and successful life as well as a life that will make a difference in the world. If you can please help me in any way possible, I would really appreciate it. One of the reason that I haven’t written in awhile is because I am at a standstill in treatment in and I am rapidly deteriorating. I desperately need treatment because my body isn’t going to make it much longer. So if there is absolutely anything that you can do… even if it is just spreading the word of my “Gofundme” site, I would really appreciate it. If each person told another person of my website and donated even a $1, it would really make a HUGE difference. So please remember gofundme/FallonMirsky and please help me raise as much money as possible. If you have any other ideas to fundraise, you can also contact me at Femirsky@gmail. I am really running out of time. The expenses that we have are out-of-this world. Of course the ultimate goal would be to get to Mexico so that I could undergo the ketamine coma that they have for at least $100,000. However, it is very expensive and of course it is going to take a lot of donations to get there. However, if I could get the Ketamine Coma in Mexico, it could really make a huge difference in my life, as it can potentially “cure” me. If I were to get the coma in Mexico, I would be the 38th patient to undergo this coma. This coma is for the most extreme cases and is considered for patients with the most severe, intractable cases, who have exhausted all other reasonable treatment options. During this procedure, patients are put into a ketamine-induced coma-- essentially shutting the body down & giving it time to reset the nerves, brain and spinal cord. Patients are supported by a ventilator and monitored in the ICU. The hypothesis is that ketamine blocks the neurons and manipulates NMDA receptors which might reboot aberrant brain activity, the coma shuts down the nervous system, allowing damaged nerves cells to heal and reboots the patients brain, much like a computer. Because Ketamine is considered a schedule 3 drug in the U.S., only a small amount of ketamine is legally allowed for medical treatment according to federal law. The high doses required for the Ketamine coma are currently only legally available in other countries.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:09:03 +0000

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