Jump Off That Cliff and Be Who You Were Born To Be 2015, for - TopicsExpress


Jump Off That Cliff and Be Who You Were Born To Be 2015, for me, is all about Being all that I was born to be. Its about Shining Out Loud, sharing my very own unique gifts, skills and talents within the collective. There is no room for comparing, wishing I were someone or something that I am not...nor is there another minute to be spent keeping me to myself for fear that someone may not quite get me, what I do, why and/or how I make money - amongst many other things that people Wonder and make snap judgments about! To Know Thy Self is our quest - To Be that True Soul Self is our true purpose. I AM Multi Faceted, Talented and Skilled. I AM the Soul-Being-Human that I AM because this is Who I AM to BE in the great picture of it all. Yes I write, Yes I enlighten and guide people and businesses on all manner of things to do with living a True and Conscious Life, along with enlightening, guiding and supporting them in the area of Personal and Planetary Wellbeing - how we look after our selves, each other and Mother Earth, our Planet, our Home. Yes I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend...Yes I love life, sing, dance, flowers arrange, ride horses, rescue owls, see visions and eat healthily - well, most of the time anyway, as there is balance and moderation to be had! I AM a Quintessential Cook, have won the Red Apron on Ready Steady Cook, have signed the Declaration of Consciousness, love young and old alike and help people across the road with their shopping. I smile at people I dont know because I believe that we are all one...all this, and so much more - as are you! I know, understand and love myself, which was not always the case - all because of a very conscious journey that I have taken for the last twelve years - a very conscious journey towards finding my True Soul Self...Who I Am....Why I Am Here...and What IS My Purpose. As 2014 came to a close I was left in no doubt that my journey to finding my true soul self was coming to an end. That 2015 would be the year that I would truly step into Being that true soul self...That I was to Jump Off that Cliff and Be Who I Was Born To Be! Today has been spent creating a vision board, one that signifies a New Voyage of Discovery. It has been made clear to me that, before I set sail,I am to share the journey that I have taken to-date...that I am to compile this between now and the end April, sharing snippets along the way- which I will most certainly do. Each and every one of us is part of an incredible Collective - each with reason and purpose. It is my hope that by way of my sharing all that I have already and am yet to share - that I, along with the inspirational voice of Lucinda Drayton, who has played such an incredible role in my own journey, in person, as well as through her songs, whose clip I share today, will inspire you to take a journey to finding your True Soul Self - that you too Jump off that Cliff and Be Who You Were Born Be. https://youtube/watch?v=RV5XOFrz2CU
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:09:23 +0000

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