Jun 18, 2014 Glenn Beck revisits his warnings about Iraq A - TopicsExpress


Jun 18, 2014 Glenn Beck revisits his warnings about Iraq A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF... How can this house stand when this house, the nation of the United States of America, forgets its God and turns against all that He is and stands for. CAN WE STAND in the face of the adversity that is coming our way. NO! We cannot! Glenn Beck has been used by God as a prophet and the rest of the world heard what he said 3 years ago and laughed at him and spurned his warnings. Because this nation has forgotten God, God is forgetting this nation and what is coming is this countrys just judgment. Men will turn against God during this time, even those who say they belong to Him and name Him as their God. The APOSTASY or turning away from the faith is coming especially when the false gospel of prosperity and the escapist doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture fails to appear. Men will be found to trust in men and not God and will blame the true believers as if they are responsible. A PERSECUTION MADNESS is coming and brother will turn in brother, sister against sister, children against parents and parents against their children. The whole world will appear as if the devil has turned it into his playground and no one will be safe anymore. However, even in the midst of what horrors are coming to this country, God has a remnant who have never turned away to serve false idols or followed an evil self-serving and self-exalting gospel where we are placed first and God second. A great outpouring of Gods Spirit is coming upon the faithful, just as at Pentecost in the first century and it is going to be on a grander scale. There is a final harvest that is being prepared, even in this hour, and once this harvest is gathered, THEN the END will come and Jesus will return to gather ALL the SAINTS out of the earth. Today, the church sees a God who sent Jesus into the world to make our lives better according to the standards of this world that we live in. Instead of laying down all the vestiges of this world, this apostate church believes that God wants first and foremost to bless them so that they can have a life of leisure and pleasure. This is that spirit of antichrist that has been in the world since the first century and is still here today. People are dying for their faith all over the world and yet, here in the USA, we still turn a deaf ear to their cries. We still believe that God will not let us suffer at all and will come and get His church BEFORE anything bad happens. The church of today has been sold a bill of goods that does not conform to the teachings of God or the Son. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we are NOT TAKEN OUT OF THE WORLD but that the Father KEEP US (guard and protect us from evil). Jesus did not tell Peter that he would ESCAPE the trial coming his way but rather Jesus told Peter that He prayed that HIS FAITH NOT FAIL HIM. Jesus did not come to bring us to a place where our faith will never be tried because John the Baptist said of Jesus, He it is that will baptize in the SPIRIT and with FIRE. That fire is TRIBULATION, not to be confused with WRATH. We are not called to wrath but we ARE called to have our works be tested in fire to see in what manner we built the kingdom of God in our lives. If we built with wood, hay and stubble, those works will be burned up, we will suffer great loss and we will only make it through yet as THROUGH THAT SELFSAME FIRE. If we built with the Spirit of God, gold, silver and precious stones, then the fire will only purify it further and we will be rewarded. Yet, the church of today believes that they have already been through that fire or trial and testing and no further testing is required and because of their estimate of themselves as being more righteous than others, THEY will NOT have to face an tribulation and will ESCAPE through a rapture. They failed to read their bibles, let others read it for them, tell them their distorted views and they believed them. There is a crucial verse of scripture that all the PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE teachers do not want you to read and this verse lays out the truth of Jesus return extremely clearly: Matthew 24:29-31 29 “IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Notice it did not say BEFORE the tribulation of those days. Jesus was answering His disciples as to the signs of when He will return. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days, is as clear as clear can get. God is not a God of ESCAPISM but a God of deliverance. We are called to LIVE IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH. Those who find that dwelling place in the Spirit, will SEE with their eyes the destruction of the wicked but it will not come near them. PSALMS 91 is a MUST read for us all to get Gods perspective on this. The children of Israel did NOT come into a land free of trouble but were required by God to FIGHT to take that land of promise. He said He will send His Spirit before them and fight for them but that generation refused because of fear. As a result, that generation, from 20 years old and upward, perished in the wilderness and with the exception of 2 men, did not enter into the promise. God did not provide an ESCAPE then and He will not change to bring US an escape now for God does not change, only mankind changes.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 03:36:18 +0000

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