Junaid Mohammed, take away the Christians and the Middle Belt, - TopicsExpress


Junaid Mohammed, take away the Christians and the Middle Belt, then tell us what you are left with? Gone are the days when Nigeria used to be under the influence of the Hausa/Fulani economic and political abadacabra. Nigeria is a republic and not under some monarchical rule. The days of the military intervention in politics are gone. So, dont expect power to play out as you would wish. We-the-people make up the republic and have to say how governance plays out. No amount of crying or noise making can ever bring back the Nigeria you used to know. The ship has left the dockyard! As for next general election, you gonna see how its gonna play out. President Goodluck Jonathan has leveled everything. No section can lay claim to the ownership of that entity called Nigeria, well, not in this time and age. You betcha remove ethnocentrism that is beclouding your sense of judgement and cross over ethnic lines to embrace what Nigeria stands for - unity in diversity. Being a narcissist will not lead you anywhere. Well, you are better off if you shut up for the rest of the time for your peers are all retired and can longer influence public opinion much more public policy. Take this, no pun intended!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 09:11:57 +0000

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