(June 10, 2013) Russia’s northernmost active Volcano is churning - TopicsExpress


(June 10, 2013) Russia’s northernmost active Volcano is churning out ash to a height of up to 9,000 meters (29,500 feet) in the country’s Far East, local scientists said Monday. The 3,283-meter (10,771-foot) Shiveluch volcano increased acti...vity in May 2009 and has been periodically spewing ash from three to ten kilometers. “Video monitoring of the volcano was complicated due to poor weather conditions, but seismological stations registered over the past 24 hours almost 150 local seismic activities with the most continued one accompanied by a spew of ash up to a height of 6.9 kilometers, give or take 2.2 kilometers,” a local department of the Geophysical Service with the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. The Kamchatkan volcano Shiveluch has thrice emitted columns of hot volcanic ash and gas. The tallest plume reached nine kilometers above the sea level, the Kamchatkan branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Geophysical Service reported on Monday. A code orange alert was issued for the volcano. “Volcano seismicity is excessive, with rocks tumbling down its slopes,” the report said. Although the current eruption poses no immediate threat to nearby settlements, the ensuing ash fallouts could be hazardous to health and the environment. The clouds of volcanic ash could also pose threat to air traffic because the tiny particles cause problems with aircraft engine turbines. There are more than 150 volcanoes on Kamchatka and up to 30 of them active. (Joel 2:30-31) “And I will show wonders in the Heavens and in the Earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke (VOLCANO ERUPTIONS) . The Sun shall be turned into darkness, And the Moon into blood, (Before) the coming of the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.”
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:20:33 +0000

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