June 12 I arrive at city hall with a speech that has to do with - TopicsExpress


June 12 I arrive at city hall with a speech that has to do with the court, that mentions Caraway, Hill and Davis. Ryan Evans, the assist manager and the Mayor are sitting together in their chairs. The recently outgoing manager Schum is not in her chair, nor is AC--now the interim city manger. Both Ryan and the mayor are looking and laughing both at one another and me. Its clear that because I alluded to the city having deficits within the context of the court, because the council has a role to play in the court, because Id already talked with councilmembers about the court and some of them could be implicated in the wrongdoing that had transpired against me in the court--or covering for it--the city had now officially turned against me and pegged me as an all out deficit. And any possible in house division about whether to be honest with the public or to work as a team to cover this up was put to rest. The mayor and Ryan led the charge to deal with me as the deficit. Ryan reveals in anticipation of being able to do or say some of the things P. Blackmon had opposed him saying the last time I spoke. By now it was clear to me that even though there had been no witness present at my trial, the mayor, Ryan, nor the city attorney would be willing to admit this now and as Atkins had once told me that wed just send AC over to fix the problem depending on what John said, there was little doubt in my mind, given all the other misconduct in the court, that AC had already been over to talk to the courts to fix the problem of their having been no witness to make it look like there had been. I knew another coup was in the works, something I told my friend Johnny about. As Im waiting for council to officially kick off, I noticed the city attorney looking out and staring at me. At first he looks uneasy. He like the mayor and ryan are smiling at me. No sooner as Johnny and I make our way to our seats, I see the city attorney get up and go over to the mayor and Ryan. As they are talking, and laughing amongst themselves, the city attorney looks out towards me then turns toward the mayor, saying some words and slicing his hand in a downward motion in a manner cutting the air--as if to sybolize cut me off as soon as Mr. Vance either mentions the word court or if he violates any rules weve reviewed since Caraway recommended the review after Mr. Vances 5-15 speech on the courts. That this was a possibility was consistent with Perkins history of keeping harsh evaluations of the court from being read in open council as well as in line with a recent news release at the time about Caraway making possibile recommendations for a change in the rules so people with multiple issues can come before the council but those who spouted hate speech would not be able to. I imagined it was well within the mayors discretion to cut me off on the pretext Ive already been heard on the issue of the courts and he would certainly do this as part of a cover of the issue. I imagined these things were discussed because this is what a man concerned with his reputation, his city attorneys reputation and that of the court might do, esp. if he didnt have the courage or moral fiber to own up to his wrongs and was willing to play politics in order contain the leakage of the court having engaged in wrongdoing or in order to peg the unrepresented defendant who rightfully saw them as ill informed. The city attorney returns to his chair after the mayor expresses he understands, and then the mayor then continues to look out and laugh at me while talking to Ryan. My friend Johnny could pass for an attorney. I notice the city attorney notice him. Perkins writes something on a piece of paper. He goes back over to the mayor. This time he doesnt mouth any words to the mayor, but lets the mayor read what Perkins wrote on the paper. The mayor still laughing and looking at me, pauses for a second, and then waves the city attorney away like he understands, like hes got this. I think the city attorney thinks Ive actually finally found an attorney that knows whats been going on. The city attorney does something Ive never seen him do before. He comes out into the audience on the side of the auditorium where me and Johnny are sitting. He shakes quite a number of peoples hands--people he is obviously well connected with (((((( This day was )))))). He even makes his way right over to where Johnny and I were sitting, almost as if by intention, close enough Im sure to try and get a better feel of who was sitting next to me. After some hours pass, I left for a break to get another copy of my speech and looked tired. I left Johnny and went out to my car to get a cleaner copy of my notes. I discovered my car had been booted because although I had a day pass and parked in the same place. Dang, really? I thought. Apparantly day pass doesnt mean you can re-park in your same place. Im such a dunce sometime. When I return, I get tired, stretch and yawn. The city attorney looks at me and smiles, probably because he knows and is hoping that I am tired and will end up letting this issue die. Then, within minutes he gets up out of his chair and goes over to P. Blackmon; they are gossiping and laughing and when I look directly at them, or should I say they notice me looking directly at them they immediately stop. I figured they might have learned about my car being booted by the city, but who knows. The time for afternoon speakers is called. One speaker gets up. She says that she hasnt been fairly heard on an issue yet; she was terminated by the city and believes it might have been done unfairly and she wants to be a leader one day and she sees this as a platform to do this. I recalled my research that says Dallas has citizen speakers, even ministers, inserted to read scripts similar to real life stories of people in order to discredit honest speakers. Lakoya London on April 3rd said she wanted to be a Senator one day and not coincidentally seemed to be put into place to talk about tickets on the day the city had been anticipated I might speak before the council on the court and issues related to tickets might have come up. Another speaker Daloris Phillips told me on the phone Sept 25th that some people use the platform to get attention they cant get anywhere else; she even told me she thought that was the case with me; and as I thought about these things it occured to me the city was preparing to dismiss my claims in public and then through the use of these speakers make me appear to be no more credible than they are. The girls story line/theme and script could be nearly identical to what the city is trying to make of me to make it appear I have not been legitimately wronged by the city. The mayor smiles at this lady as she speaks--not at all a normal response for a mayor that alleges he cares about common people/concerned citizens. Of course it was a show. He smiled as if if a lightbulb went off in his head when he heard the story line of this lady, now privy, he probably now was following his extreme upsetness with my 5-15 speech--of the citys deliberate insertion of citizen speakers whose stories are crafted to discredit other citizen speakers. It all certainly made sense given a recent text message I received from London who said, the mayor is evil now. He would hurt you before he let you damage his reputation--as if that was my intent. The mayor smiling when he should not have really smiling led me to believe this speaker was one of those alleged speakers, known by the city and the mayor, put into place to script a storyline similar to the story the council aimed to fashion with my presence at council. The mayor says hell have someone look into the issue. Right before I get up to speak, Davis again leaves the council table. Judge Hill was absent--as was Caraway. Strangely, although Atkins had gotten up and left the council chambers in times before, he was present this day while Hill, davis and Caraway, all mentioned in my speech comments were absent. Call me crazy but this was the second time that those mentioned in my speech absented themselves from the council before I got up to speak. This was also about teh same time that I had just read a book on FBI warrants that special corruption squads to allow sneak and peaks and the bugging and surveillance of peoples homes, computers and phones. It was also about the same time I had come homme one night and seen my door wide open, though I never leave it unlocked. If the city and mayor, if councilmembers felt that the inside knowledge I had about how the judicial and legal systems really work would damage the reputation of the court or the city at a time nearing the JFK celebration, if they wanted to bug or tap or conduct surveillance on me as a result of the fear they had regarding what I might say about the high court publically and seek to know what I might say in advance, Im sure they could have come up with some pretextual justification to get such a warrant. And this was the first time why I found it particularly odd those mentioned in my comments were absent the days I came to speak. A cool kid named Mr. Williams gets up and gives a speech. The mayor, who knows the line of speakers in advance, asks Williams guardian if the video has to show is appropriate. Mayor says we sometimes have to make sure the videos we show are appropriate. I knew my recordings would not be appropriate according to the mayor, so that was out of the question. When Williams cant get his set up worked out, and he notices Willams struggling the Mayor is quick to see about moving on to me--confident he can deal with me very quickly Im sure. But Williams gets his video working and I wait. Sniffing a set up of course and knowing that the mayor had a trick up his sleeve--and that caraway, hill, and davis were not present--I abandoned my speech which of course included references to them. I throw it to the ground and approach the podium with the intent of saying nothing more than.... this kid is great. You guys keep giving me an excuse not to say what I want to say. Davis is outside the cameras behind the horseshoe. Shes holding a piece of paper and shes smiling at me with evil eyes. The mayor, as predicted, interrupts me at the first excuse. Speak to me...he barks...try to direct all your comments to me. He lectures.. I say this is the council Im addressing the council. Just so you know, the rule is you address all your comments to me. It was clear the attorney had instructed the mayor to try and make it seem like I was violating rules at council in order to discredit my previous testimony about the courts saying I refused to follow the rules in that venue. To show I wasnt confused about the rules, I state if you mean by addressing comments I must say mayor, the mayor says no. And I continue, Okay, councilmembers... believing an interpretation of the rules whereby citizens address comments to the mayor does not prohibit such comments including words like, Councilmembers. Ive also seen other speakers comments include words like Council without interruption by the mayor. I wanted to speak to davis and hill caraway, but theyre obviously not here. Does anyone, Mr. Mayor (making sure he knows my comments include him) do any of the council have any questions for me? The Mayor says, as if I didnt know. This, this is your time to ask what you want. Right before finishing my final comments and turning to leave the podium, Lakoya, dressed in dark clothes like a devil in the night, yells from the back behind me and says John, they are never all here. They arent ever all there. I really feel she works for the council now and she is attempting to push me to continue talking about my issue and dive head first into a coup. I explain to the mayor that I dont want to speak without councilmembers being present...The mayor smiles...probably knowing certain councilmembers had deliberately absented themselves so as to keep me from alleging certain things about councilmembers or talking about them. So, I will come back at later time. The mayor smiles really big and says, Oakkay whilst the city attorney, hearing the mayor say this, shakes his head, and mouths NO! It was the city attorneys language and body movement saying NO that supported my belief that one of his advisements to the mayor had been to cut me off on the pretext Id already been heard on the issue and what NO meant was he didnt want the mayor going on record to say it was okay for me to come back on the issue--esp if the plan as I predicted it was to cut me off and say Ive already been heard on this issue/preempting any possibility of the stuff of court corruption coming out. The mayors response okay told me he knew of a set up and wanted to make it happen either today or at a later date. Disgustingly, before I left the podium and after just finish saying Davis was not present, she smiles really big at me and has a seat at the council table just as I turn to leave, immediately before the cameras zoom back to panaramic view of the council, giving the impression she had been there all along. This bothered me because I had just delivered a speech on 5-15 saying there were deficits in transparancy, honesty, and responsiveness in our courts who had tried to discredit me by being disingenuous. And here Davis was, the lady who had talked about coups in the courts, being just as disingenuous as the courts had been, certainly trying to impeach my honesty about the court from the chambers of the council. The lady that once spoke truth about coup in the council sold out and now she was hypocritically engaging in the very kind of coups and bad behaviors the court had engaged in. As I leave the auditorium Lakoya chases me down; she is strangely very upset I didnt bring my issue up. She was very unusually concerned with me. She follows me and says, John they are never all here. They arent ever all here. Now I was really beginning to think Lakoya was working for city hall. A few days before my last speach she texted me out of the blue and said that someone had run her off the road with her kids in the car and tried to kill her. She implied she thought it was the police. There was little doubt she was working for the city. As we make our way to the car, I told Johnny sorry I didnt get to say much, but I had to abandon my speech comments because I sniffed another SET UP by the city attorney and mayor. Im glad I hadnt launched into my speech and been interrupted with that. That would have looked even worse. In the next few days, I go back and review my emails and hit reply to an email I thought I had sent to Davis. I tell her I did not appreciate her up and leaving the counciltable and returning to give impression I was lying. She of all people knows what I am talking about. Come to find out, I had emailed Judge Hill on accident, confusing Davis with Judge Hill. Judge Hills secretary informed me I got email addresses mixed up, the secretary says that I did not want to talk about my issue because they werent present--she too expressing frustration like Lakoya did. Since both expressed frustration, it appeared to me Lokaya really working with and for the city. It was obvious from the tone I could gather--if any tone could be gathered from reading an email--that the secretary, like Lakoya, was upset that I hadnt pushed forward on my issue and believed I was afraid to do so in their absense. Of course, I was afraid because I knew it wouldnt be fair. For her part, Judge Hill gets my email and she emails back, pretends not to know who I am, and says no matter its time to move on to other things. I email the mayor and explain that I am on to him in regard to trying to interrupt and discredit me by looking for any rule I might violate and calling me on it--even though I had addressed the council similarly before and not been told I was in any violations of rules. Also stated I would still like to know what his interpretations of personal and scandalous are regarding speaker rules--some thing I had requested of him prior to my first speech on 4-10 but which his office and he both refused and continue to refuse to provide. Finally, I emailed the secretary to complain about the mayor, and Mrs. Davis leaving before I spoke and then up and returning right as I turn to leave to give impression I wasnt honest about her absence.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:26:13 +0000

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