June 20, 1967 Arrived Vietnam 9:30 Bein Hoa airbase. Saw first - TopicsExpress


June 20, 1967 Arrived Vietnam 9:30 Bein Hoa airbase. Saw first Vietnamese at airfield. Very Hot. I had dozed off and awoke at daylight again. It was the same day as we lost a day to the crossing of the International Date Line. Most of the other 150 or so men were still napping. We were in a Boeing 707 which at the time was the newest plane available. The Captain called on the intercom to let us know that we were about to cross into Vietnamese airspace and would be landing soon. This woke everybody up and you could hear a quiet stirring of the soldiers as they whispered to each other. The mood was somber. We were all dressed in our dress uniforms and I think everyone felt as if they were going to their own funeral. I have wondered over the years how many on that plane never went home alive. I was setting next to a window on the backside of the left wing when we were told to buckle our seat belts for landing. I felt the airliner turn in an arc and then go into the angle for landing. The plane taxied for a distance and one of the other passengers yelled that there were Vietnamese on the run way. Several troopers rose from their seats to look out the window. I could see out my window and there was a middle aged man with a broom or rake in his hand. He looked at the plane over his shoulder; as his back was towards us, and he started peeing right there out in the open. Several comments were made and some laughed. I thought how crude it was and worried he might be seen by the stewardess. The plane came to a halt and the stewardess announced to us to please depart as quickly as possible. She said the plane wanted to take off as they were afraid they might become targeted by the local Viet Cong for a mortor attack. We all rose at once now anxious to depart this target. As I moved to the door I quickly noticed the air conditioned cabin was getting warmer. As I stepped from the plane the heat and humidity slapped me. Wow it is hot here I thought. We were quickly directed to buildings at the end of the airfield and soon they had trucks to take us to the replacement depot. We were loaded on trucks for the trip to the Army base and I was chosen to ride as shot gun guard up front with the driver. They gave me an M16 and ammo. I think they chose me because of my jump wings. The road was very dusty and red. I observed a compound that contained VC POW’s. The driver said it was the Army intelligence unit and the shed was where they questioned the prisoners. He told me the employed a twelve volt battery. Several newbie’s were selected to stand guard that night. I was not one of them. I went to the PX and had a couple of beers and observed some dirty looking soldiers at one table and I was informed that it was a LURP patrol just returning from the bush. I slept well. I was told at breakfast that one of the newbie’s was killed last night while on guard. I now knew this place was for real.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:41:02 +0000

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