“June 26th is the 2nd annual Leonard Peltier Day, the 15th - TopicsExpress


“June 26th is the 2nd annual Leonard Peltier Day, the 15th annual Oglala Commemoration, the 39th anniversary of that fateful day at Oglala, South Dakota within the Pine Ridge Reservation that brought about the unlawful arrest and subsequent wrongful incarceration of Leonard Peltier >> oglalacommemoration/ We stand in Solidarity with both Leonard, and all those who commemorate this day. The case of Leonard Peltier is well-known in many circles — particularly for those who are Activists for Indigenous/Native Rights and All Human Rights, for those who are involved in Prison Rights and Reform, and for those who believe in Justice, Fairness, and Equality within our Justice System. Leonard is currently living at USP Coleman 1; he has now been imprisoned in various federal prisons for close to 4 decades. He is one of the longest held Political Prisoners in The United States of America; certainly he is one of the most well-known both Nationally and Internationally. DO NOT DOUBT THAT HE IS THE ONLY ONE!! At 69 years of age (birthdate 9/12/44) with multiple chronic and acute health needs that have been undertreated, mismanaged, and ignored throughout his incarceration, Leonard needs to be home with his family & friends. Although Leonard is not in the best of health, he remains actively involved in seeking Justice!! For a chronology of Leonard’s life and case events please go to this website >> users.skynet.be/kola/lpchrono.html Why is Leonard so Important? • He is more than America’s (and the World’s) most infamous/famous Political Prisoner; he is a Human Being. • He has come to represent “Everyone” who has faced any form of Injustice upon their person by any Government, Bureaucratic Agency, or Corporation. • He is considered “dangerous” because he holds on to his Personal Integrity and Spiritual Belief systems and he refuses to admit guilt for a crime he has not committed; he is a Man of Honor. • As a staunch Human Rights activist for his own Native people and ALL other people and an Environmentalist, he has done more work while Incarcerated than most “Free” people. • He has had his Constitutional, Civil, Legal, Treaty, and Human Rights repeatedly violated and stripped away, and we too have for years been in the process of seeing our “Democratic” rights slowly melt away by those who substantiate their own Greed, Power, and Prejudices. • For almost 4 decades he has been *tortured by The United States Government and its agencies which include the FBI, The Justice System, and the Penal System. *referenced by the United States Constitution, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Geneva Convention. Only the President of the United States of America can grant Clemency to a Federal Prisoner. During Gerald Ford’s administration in 1976 Leonard was illegally arrested in Canada then wrongfully extradited to the USA. Leonard’s unjust trial took place during James Carter, Jr.’s administration in 1977. During the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush Leonard could have been granted Clemency at any time! Barack Obama is now the 7th President who holds the life of Leonard Peltier in his hands. Our Twitter target is President Barack Obama who can be reached at these Twitter addresses >> @WhiteHouse @BarackObama If you are not targeting the president who is the ONLY one who can FREE Leonard, you are merely tweeting as a fan and preaching to the choir. Please use the hashtag #LeonardPeltier. For those who choose to call or e-mail, fax, or write a letter please see the following contact info: President of the United States of America The White House; President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Please include your e-mail address Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 Contact Website: whitehouse.gov/contact Submit Questions & Comments: whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments (fill in the form). E-Mail: info@barackobama Thank YOU to ALL who join with us in this Fight for Freedom! We remain in Good Faith and Solidarity for Justice for Leonard! In the Spirit of Crazy Horse we are Bonnie Walker and Joan Rodriguez“ https://facebook/events/748735465177937/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:23:49 +0000

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