June 28th 10am of Our Story LETS KICK RACISM OUT OF THE MODERN - TopicsExpress


June 28th 10am of Our Story LETS KICK RACISM OUT OF THE MODERN WORLD * Todays story carries a strong anti-racism theme, please feel free to re-post or comment on, share or talk about. I have shared a number of pictures. Feedback always welcome on these story postings. Any racist responses will be deleted. Not going to be on here long today as I had an awful night and i am currently feeling like i am on a different planet. Cate also has had a bad night and has no sleep since the day before after her mum had a bad fall and gashed her head open, needing ten stitches, so she is currently recovering in hospital. I am appalled by the management of the place Cate is currently working, days off and dinner hours currently cancelled because the place is busy, so rather than take on more staff they are making the employed staff work as slave labour. Cate now hasnt had a day off in three weeks and most of the days does a 12 hour shift without time for food or drink. I think there will be a crunch staff meeting today and a certain Kaiser Chiefs,track springs to mind. I have always been against racism and had many great friends in my life who were non-Caucasian but I see that I have never truly witnessed the strength of racism and its level of hate, cruelty and spite within itself until the events of the last few years., It is such an unacceptable stigma in this modern world that a person can be judged on value, education, understanding, commitment, intent and ability purely based on their color. In Kenya i was in the minority, as a mizungo subjected to extreme racism and only seen as someone to take advantage of, to fleece, abuse and disrespect so yes i have now witnessed and experienced the other side of the coin. Here in the UK I have also seen the opposite because the moment i declared that i loved a colored person and posted her picture some things changed forever. I gained a lot of new friends from groups where people share and enjoy the blessing of a mixed relationship and also share the same experience. I lost some friends who immediately stopped talking to me and have not communicated since, including a couple of long term best mates. The alternative community as always proved its worth because its always been about the union of different cultures, bound together by music and the great thing is Cate loves the alternative music scene. There were one or two other friends who were more radically outspoken and made it clear they wouldnt come to the wedding because Cate was black. Cate is not Black, she is Kenyan, I am not White I am British, What is it within us that makes some of us hate people just because the color of their skin is different? I try to imagine how it would feel and be if i were the colored person and Cate was the Caucasian and how perspectives would change. The same person can walk into a busy pub as one color and get a completely different reaction to what it would be if they walked in as another color. That is true in Britain and Europe as much as it is true in Kenya and Africa. I think if I could have one wish right now it would be to see racism banished entirely from this world we live in, because until it is this world will never see unity. When i look around the world I see the trouble and suffering and poverty and deprivation and violence I see that for the most it is all because of racism, religion and politics all in the name of greed. RACISM IS AN UNACCEPTABLE EVIL...DONT SUPPORT IT RELIGION PROMOTES THE WRONG MESSAGE...CHANGE IT POLITICS IS ABSOLUTELY CORRUPT.... STAND AGAINST IT HUMAN RIGHTS is the one thing we all have, are all entitled to and should all be bound by. I feel a great sadness for the generation to follow in the knowledge that unless things change then the choice will be taken out of our hands by the most absolute of powers, Mother Nature. God bless you all this day. Paul, Cate, Pickles.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:25:18 +0000

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