June 29, 2013 “Mark, You Have Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma” On - TopicsExpress


June 29, 2013 “Mark, You Have Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma” On Friday, June 07, I sat in small exam room of Parkland Hospital in Dallas, incredulous and blindsided by the 6-word pronouncement from my oncologist, Dr. Rohit Sharma. I had walked into Parkland’s ER about 6 weeks prior, concerned about the painful, hardening, expanding right axillary mass in my armpit. About 16 months ago ( living in Orlando) while showering, I felt a small, marble-size tissue growth in my right armpit. As it began to grow over the next 6 months, I wasn’t overly concerned, since hosts of benign, relatively harmless tumors are commonplace today. I called a friend who is a N.D. (Natural Doctor), explained the symptoms, and her response was that it possibly was nothing more than a clogged lymph node that could be alleviated by a homeopathic lymphatic drain product. I did that for 30 days, but noticed no change. I researched online and heard numerous stories from friends and families about commonplace “lipomas”, benign tissue masses that scores of people live with everyday. (To respond to the thundering choral crescendo of “My God, Mark why didn’t you immediately go to a hospital for tests to make sure it wasn’t cancer!?, I can only say that since my divorce and bankruptcy in 2008, I have been on a financial tightrope, simply trying to survive from week-to-week and cover my overhead, plus child support, and the cost raising 4 daughters. To put it into perspective, in 5 years, I haven’t had an extra $20 to order bank checks, have seldom had enough money to fill my gas tank; and have often been one step away from homelessness, much less the thought of $150/month health insurance premium or $2,000 for medical tests. If any of you have accessed health care recently, you know that even the simplest tests, scans or x-rays will cost thousands of dollars. When I attempted to make a doctor’s appt. with Parkland, there was a 4-month wait. I opted to walk-in to the ER; btw, Parkland is the only hospital in TX I’m aware of that offers significant financial aid and assistance) I accessed some free medical care at Harvest Time International in Sanford, FL, had a physical exam by a M.D. and had some blood tests performed at Sanford Memorial Hospital, requesting to specifically to look for cancer markers. The tests results were negative for cancer markers. About 2 months ago, I had a bio-magnetic imaging test done, which showed no presence of cancer. When the physicians in the ER looked at my tumor, they immediately wanted to admit me overnight to run tests the following couple of days; 2 days later, without having any tests results besides an EKG, 3 white-trench-coat M.D.’s surrounded my bed, peered condescendingly at me with grave expressions, and announced their concensus that I had a malignant form of Lymphoma cancer, and wanted to set me up on a Chemotherapy/Radiation Treatment schedule immediately and place a shunt in my chest. I respectfully declined their offer, saying it might be important to actually see some test results first. Over the next 4 weeks, I had 2 biopsies performed, a CAT Scan, MRI, and PET Scan. I clearly communicated that surgery was the only cancer treatment option I was comfortable with, and I would not agree to chemo or radiation. When my PET Scan results returned negative (NO other cancer activity anywhere except in the tumor and one lymph node) I was very hopeful and anticipated scheduling for surgery to have the now baseball-size tumor removed. While there are some risks with the surgery, it was far less risky than chemo and radiation (which btw, are carcinogenic in themselves and only have a 3-5% success rate in metastacized cancers). Incredulously, my oncologist explained that, in spite of there being only one lymph node that PET Scan revealed was cancerous, the “standard of care” for this type cancer and operation was to remove the entire pad of lymph nodes, which essentially would result in a permanent, disabling handicap (to varying degrees) of adema (swelling of tissues) to my right arm, requiring the use of a compression sleeve, massages, and artificial drainage through a port. For those of you unfamiliar with the lymph system, it performs critical functions (including draining the tissues and cells of waste and toxins, and transporting immune cells throughout the body). My response was, “If the PET Scan showed no clear indication of cancer in the lymph pad, what justification is there for removing it?” He said, “Well the test isn’t 100% accurate, and some of the lymph nodes could be pre-cancerous, we have no way of knowing for sure.” My thoughts were, “well if the test isn’t accurate to show the presence of cancer, then why is it used at all, and if melanoma can spread throughout the body quickly, why not just remove half my organs and both legs and arms, just to be sure it’s not lurking elsewhere.” I told him, “Dr. Sharma, if a bushel of apples has one apple obviously decaying from a worm, would you discard the entire bushel, just because of one bad apple.” His response was, “Well there, may be worms in the other apples that aren’t evident yet.” I stated, “If 99% of the cancer is localized in the tumor, let’s deal with the known, have it surgically removed, then face the possibility of some cancer cells left behind. I’ll assume full liability and responsibility for whatever cancer remains and treat it through natural therapies. I don’t want my lymph system removed with no clear evidence. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with your standard of care.” He refused my terms, said he could not perform the surgery without following the standard of care and essentially, “kicked me to the curb” for defying their hallowed and dubious “standard of care.” Tragic, but I am not a proponent of “shotgun surgery” that removes everything in a 12” diameter, whether needed or not. The results and statistics from the medical-model approach to cancer (Cut, Burn or Poison) are dismal and the War On Cancer is a horrific failure. So, my strategy now is to try to find an oncologist or surgeon to remove ONLY the tumor itself, and leave other significant organs and body parts intact, and then follow a natural, alternative, cancer cure protocol (of which there are a dozen, scientifically proven cures to choose from) to remain cancer-free. I appreciate all the support, encouragement and prayers from family and friends to help me through this extremely difficult trial. My requirement or pre-requisite for offering specific cancer-treatment advice is this, though. You must visit my “Amazing Natural Cures” blog at healthwarrior10.blogspot and read the articles in the Archive from August (lower right) on “Cancer, the $500 billion Cash Cow” and then watch two short documentary videos on YouTube (only 13 min.each) on the reality of the cancer industry and its results: The Cancer Conspiracy - pt.1 of 2 - YouTube The Cancer Conspiracy pt.2 of 2 - YouTube Those resources will help you understand my stance and philosophy on the current medical-model (aliopathic) approach to health care vs. alternative medicine approach and provide credible evidence from numerous, reliable, credentialed sources that I’m not suffering from temporary insanity and delusional, psychotic episodes, as many of you have conjectured and expressed, either verbally in debate, or non-verbally by your silence and sighs at the end of my address to the jury, articulating my position on the cancer industry and the treatment options I’m choosing… Love To You All, Mark
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 01:06:29 +0000

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