June Energetics The prevailing planetary influence for a large - TopicsExpress


June Energetics The prevailing planetary influence for a large part of June comes to us from the constellation of Gemini represented astrologically by the sign of the twins. Gemini focuses the energies of the Ray of Love and Wisdom, the powerful force that lies at the back of all creation in our universe. The influence of Gemini instigates a heightened flow of the spiritually uplifting and transformational energy of unconditional love into our planet. Harmonising and synthesising in effect this energy promotes the coming together of opposites and the healing of relationships of all kinds. It particularly it brings our awareness to the need for greater harmony and balance in the relationship between personality and soul. There is no doubt that the energy flow over the last month or so has been both intense and challenging, creating ‘a bit of a bumpy ride’ for many of us. There have been several triggers for this, including the somewhat intense planetary aspects we mentioned in last months Elight and another substantial spike in solar flare activity. It is perhaps worth mentioning that although the energy we receive from solar flares is unseen and often unmentioned, the effects are potently transformational, designed to change us from the inside out. Positive though these changes are they can leave us feeling as though we are on a never-ending roller coaster ride, struggling to keep up. So if you have been feeling a little overwhelmed recently, be kind to your self, take time to breath, ground and connect with the present moment. Looking ahead, the energy flow seems to have a more watery, flowing feel to it that should help us all to integrate, reassess and regroup. Living in Love The understanding of what love really is and the ability to live fully in that love are issues that are at the heart of the changes currently taking place within each of us and within the Earth herself. Since this is the month in which the energies of unconditional love are most readily available to us we thought that we would take this opportunity to explore this theme in greater depth. Until very recently our experience and understanding of love has been limited by the third dimensional patterning that we have lived within. From this perspective love is experienced as an emotion apparently generated by something or someone outside of our selves. Consequently we have believed that love is conditional, that it can come and go and that it must be earned in some way. Within the dense patterning of the third dimensional matrix this was the only experience of love available to us, since the higher finer vibration of unconditional love could not be anchored into this density. However, we have finally reached a point in our evolution where this old patterning is being released and replaced by a new one based on the fifth dimensional principles of unconditional love. From this perspective love is experienced as a powerful creative force that is all embracing and unconditional in its nature. This change means that the freedom and choice to embrace our true nature and to live fully within the vibration of unconditional love is now available to us. The energy flow this month will give all of us the opportunity to align more fully with this choice. Allow the incoming vibrations of unconditional love to permeate deep into your being and to expand the flame of love deep within your sacred heart so that you can remember how to live fully in the wholeness of love once more. Essence Suggestions for June For most of us the reality of choosing to live in love more fully is that we very quickly come face to face with some of our old habits and misperceptions about what love is, simply because the more unconditional love we are able to draw in, the more visible and uncomfortable these conflicting old vibrations become. So with this in mind we have decided to highlight some essences in this month’s Essence Suggestions that will provide support for some of the most commonly experienced issues in this situation. Top of the list here are issues related to third dimensional experiences of separation, loss and grief. From the perspective of the wholeness and unity that is unconditional love these vibrations have no basis in reality; they are simply an illusion created by the density of the third dimension. However, it can be hard to embrace this perspective while we still have painful emotions blocking the heart. The Heart Chakra combination provides an excellent general support for anyone who finds themselves dealing with these issues. Another great essence to help promote a quick release of unhelpful emotions from the heart chakra is Fuchsia from the Karmic Essences. For more specific help with grief we recommend either Healing Bereavement - transforming grief or Grief from the Inner Child Essences. A related but slightly different version of these vibrations can be attached to old relationship issues, situations in which our misperception of love has lead us to feel abandoned, needy and rejected, leaving us with old emotional pain to release. In this situation there is no better support than Letting Go – dissolving attachment. Yet another variation on the theme is to be found in the twin vibrations of criticism and judgement. These emotions are commonplace in the old third dimensional conditional patterning but have absolutely no place within the vibration of unconditional love. When faced with these issues ourselves, we find that a large bottle of Inner Freedom – transforming judgement quickly helps us to find a more loving state of balance. Finally, for support to help you to take full advantage of the opportunity to open more fully to the vibrations of unconditional love this month, we suggest Open to Receive – creating abundance, Unconditional Love or the Heart Connection Spray. crystalherbs
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 19:44:25 +0000

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