June Newsletter: Summer is here, and some of you might be going - TopicsExpress


June Newsletter: Summer is here, and some of you might be going on vacation. Here’s 7 Stay Fit Travel Tips to help you stay on track regardless of your travel schedule. Stay Fit Tip 1: Remember WHY you are going on Vacation. If the goal is to feel refreshed after you return, why abandon all of your healthy habits only to return feeling like you need to be a slave to your workouts in order to make up for all the weight you gained. No amount of eating or drinking is worth the effort it will take to remove those excess pounds. Make good choices while you are away and you will be more prepared to overcome any travel fatigue, so you return to your normal routine feeling rejuvenated! Stay Fit Tip 2: Prevention is KEY In the long run, prevention is always better than the cure. If you already know ahead of time that you will be practicing some overindulgence, ramp up your exercise and eating habits NOW. The best part about this type of approach is that you have a deadline. This will help keep you motivated to stick as closely as you can to your fitness plan. If you have the time, begin 2 to 4 weeks prior to leaving. This gives you the opportunity to lose 4 to 8 pounds of fat -- all before you leave! Allowing you more flexibility while you are away. Stay Fit Tip 3: Meal Management Strategies. The last thing you want to do prior to, during or after vacation is to not eat. Your metabolism slows down and your brain thinks that you are starving, so, it will tell your body to store any food that it does receive in the form of fat. Skipping Meals = Weight Gain! The best thing you can do for your body is to begin each day with breakfast and eat a supportive meal or snack every 3-4 hours. This in turn will fuel your metabolism, provide you with an abundance of energy and allow your body to burn more fat 24-7. Stay Fit Tip 4: Plan your Splurges. Just as I encourage the planning of indulgences, you can do the same while on vacation. For instance, if you know you will be enjoying a bountiful lunch, avoid overindulging during breakfast. Instead make your other meals that day light and more supportive. Keep in mind that a typical restaurant entrée is about 1500 calories -- that does not include bread, appetizer or dessert. Keep your meals as healthy as possible, try your best not to over eat, and enjoy yourself by eating things you wouldnt get at home. Stay Fit Tip 5: Avoid Fast Food. It never fails, while on our way to our destination spot, we either find ourselves at Starbucks or McDonalds in the airport or on the highway, taking in far too many calories before we even get there! Dont let this happen to you. You can get this junk food anytime. Save your vacation calories for more exciting and rare treats. Avoid the on-the-go temptations by making a point to eat something before you leave or pack some travel snacks such as almonds and dried fruit to help curb your appetite. Stay Fit Tip 6: Get Moving. The simplest and easiest fitness routine is right outside your door. On vacation theres no better time to enjoy the benefits of just moving more! Plan to get out and watch the sunrise or sunset. Get out and enjoy the amenities, sights, and sounds your destination has to offer. Stay Fit Tip 7: Forget the GYM. Yes, to avoid unwanted weight gain-- you have to exercise….but dont feel as if you need to spend your time in the hotel workout facilities. Youll just set yourself up to make excuses. ALMOND BUTTER PUDDING MAKES 2 SERVINGS Ingredients: 1 ½ Cup Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt 2 tbsp. Almond Butter 2 tsp. Natural Honey Directions: In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients and stir together. Nutritional Facts: (Per serving) Calories: 213 Protein: 25 g Carbs: 19 g Fat: 9 g A LEAN BODY. Im a firm believer in exercising smart ...not hard. Over-exercising…especially doing long cardio activities, will make you weak, tired and keep you overweight. Even worse, you’ll be setting yourself up for a vicious cycle of on again off again weight loss. You see, once you lose lean muscle, your metabolism will naturally slow down…no matter how much you exercise. Then you’ll likely revert to cutting calories or going on extreme diets to keep trying to losing weight, until you get so frustrated from not seeing any weight loss....... that you quit. i want to end that vicious cycle. So instead of focusing on weight loss, shift your attention to these 3 key factors, so you can make your journey to a healthier, leaner and more fit body a successful one. 1.Focus on keeping your lean muscle mass by lifting weights using full body exercises. The more lean muscle means higher metabolism…and that ultimately equals more fat loss… not water and muscle loss. So don’t concern yourself too much with body weight since it’s not representative of what kind of progress you’re actually making. 2. Take measurements of your body. This is a much more accurate way to keep track of your progress. Although muscle weighs the same as fat, it takes up less space than fat. Therefore, burning off fat and replacing it with lean muscle mass will reduce the overall size of your body. NOTE: For men, getting lean and fit may mean reduce overall size BUT not in appearance. Losing fat and gaining lean muscle will make you look more defined and muscular. And the same goes for women as well. Building lean muscle by lifting challenging weights won’t make you look bulky or manly…rather you’ll end up getting tight, trimmed and toned. 3. Focus on improving your strength and endurance rather than just your weight. By gaining strength and building more stamina, you’ll have more energy and be fit enough to partake in any activities so you can enjoy life to the fullest! Keeping your focus on these 3 key factors will help you make consistent progress to get leaner and more fit, while avoiding the most common traps and pitfalls of over- exercising and chronic dieting. How to Eat at a Restaurant and Still Lose Weight: The Golden Rules Here’s a few strategies to help you resist high calorie/low nutrient foods when you cant control the environment. 1. Learn to See Water As A Drink Choice. If you dont like it, try some squeezed lemon in it. Sodas, sweetened teas and juice all add sugar and calories. 2. Order An Appetizer As Your Entree. Appetizers help you keep control over your portions. If youre craving pasta or something in particular, find the appetizer size. 3. If You Want To Order An Entree, Always Make It A Salad. Make sure the dressing is on the side and your spoon to drizzle. You must stop at 2 spoonfuls. Say No to the croutons, or crunchy things. 4. Use the 3 Bite Rule For Dessert. Its better to pass on Dessert or have tea or frozen berries but if you must, only take 3 bites. RED CURRY COUSCOUS MAKES 4 SERVINGS Ingredients: 1 Cup Couscous 1 Tbsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil 3 Tbsp. Fresh Mint 2 Tbsp. Fresh Chives ½ Red Pepper, diced 1 Tsp. Red Curry Paste 1 Cup Low-Sodium Chicken Broth, boiling Sea Salt and Pepper, if desired Directions: 1) In a saucepan, add couscous, olive oil, mint, chives, pepper and red curry paste. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. 2) Add the boiling chicken broth. Cover and let the couscous absorb the broth for about 5-10 minutes. 3) Fluff with a fork. 4) Ready. Enjoy! Nutritional Facts: (Per serving) Calories: 86 Protein: 3 g Carbs: 11 g Fiber: 1 g Fat: 3 g Please share with your family and friends. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:17:01 +0000

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