Jupiter Transits Cancer- 19.06.2014! By - TopicsExpress


Jupiter Transits Cancer- 19.06.2014! By akastrologyzone /photo.cms?msid=26843173 Transit of Planets or simply Gochara in Vedic Astrology is one of the most fascinating instruments used by the astrologers to time an event. Then, it is obvious that the transit effects of slow moving planets like Jupiter are going to be much more profound than those of a fast moving planet. Jupiter takes about one year to transit each house and the study is done from the janma rashi or the position of the Moon in ones natal chart. Jupiter will move from the sign of Gemini to the sign of Cancer on 19th June 2014. Cancer is the sign where Jupiter gets exalted and has its best powers. This transit is special as Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer. Jupiter in Cancer will be a great boon for the following Rashi people: 1. Gemini Rashi – Jupiter will be in the 2nd 2. Virgo Rashi – Jupiter will be in the 11th 3. Scorpio Rashi – Jupiter will be in the 9th 4. Capricorn Rashi – Jupiter will be in the 7th Aries Planet Jupiter is in 3rd house till 18th June 2014 and then it will move to 4th house. You may feel many challenges during the first half of the year as many obstructions and stress is likely to breed at your workplace and household. If you have any planning of change, you may defer it. Arguments must be avoided as it may lead to misunderstanding and confusion. Second half of the year is favorable transit for the working professionals as the chances of support and increment in salary shall be prominent for them. There may be growth in fixed and movable property- you may buy a house or land and vehicle. On home front you will feel joyous boost. Taurus Planet Jupiter is in 2nd house till 18th June 2014 and then it will move to 3rd house. Jupiter in 2nd house gives auspicious results plus Saturn and Rahu in 6th house is a favourable placement. Majority of your problems will be solved. This is a favourable period and you can expect the good results. For workers, there is development/promotion in career. Income will rise. Jobless people will get good job. For business people, expansion of business is possible. Profits will increase. You can buy new vehicle or invest in properties. This is the time for best investment of your money in fixed assets. Students will get success in higher studies. Success requires hard work and people who are willing to do it are Taurus. As the year progresses family and friends will play a more important role in your life. Your focus will shift to maintaining a healthy social life by getting more involvement in group activities and to enhance your social network. Some of you might even find love opportunities in foreign land, with outcaste people and even in educational institutes. A few might be expanding their horizons brings them closer and involve themselves to online dating ping from a person who’s not the usual type...and thus begins a really new chapter in love. Long-distance romance prospects get exponentially higher through travel and cross-cultural connections during the second half of the year. Gemini Jupiter is in your Moon lagna hence it is bound to give your personality a new dimension. Problems will be solved and also your loan will be repaid. There might be a good job offer hence temptation for change is likely. Those who are in right biological age may be blessed with a child. It is a good time for students. I would point it out to you that you should be little alert and real effort is required to keep relationship area intact. Meaningless argument and anger is to be avoided. The second half of the year will bring prosperity and wealth. Chances of getting inherited property and land property transaction might be quite rewarding. It is a very good time for planning and conceiving a big project. Your concentration will bring good results. Cancer Till 18th June 2014 planet Jupiter is in 12th house and after that it will be in your Rashi. It will be a testing time for you. If possible, avoid any new venture right now; alternatively do your all paper works meticulously. During this year don’t get indulged in taking financial risk. Keep an eye on your expenditure on renovation, vehicle etc. Don’t try to change a job, unless you have a certain job offer beforehand. You should value your true love. It would be absolutely proper to avoid any indulgence in serious love affairs. Though luck will favour you, concentrate on professional growth and integrity instead of involving in emotional issues. The second half of the year brings good fortune. You can expect happiness and full of activity on the home and family front. If you will concentrate all your positive energies and shall focus on this area, you will definitely find the necessary determination to overcome any challenges that may come to you. CONSULT ASTROLOGER R K SHRIDHAR YEARLY 2014 REPORTS /photo.cms?msid=26843272 Leo This year you must be enthusiastic about your career in order to get extra ordinary success. You will show tremendous strength if any rough weather comes in your job front. This year is a year of success or you, as you will not only dream but act to fulfill that dream. Leos always have a positive attitude and plenty of confidence. Don’t be selfish if it comes to love and relationship. You love your partner passionately despite many a flaws. You should stay away from confrontation and illogical arguments with your loved ones. You may refurnish home to make it appear more attractive, and will not shy away from entertainments and celebrations at home. Socializing, friends and relatives visiting your home and some fun activities – are all possibilities during the second half of the year. Virgo Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 10th house and afterwards in 11th house. Professional growth will be little slow. Do not argue with your colleagues or with your boss. Business will show healthy sign. Please avoid any new business plans or expansions. Do not take risks at this period. If you are constructing your house, that will be completed. Do not give loans or surety for others. Cash flow will be all right. Redundant expenses should be avoided until and unless mandatory. You should be very careful in buying assets. Get checked with lawyer, all the necessary documents before taking any steps. You will be lucky enough to get the kind support of your near and dear in reaching your goals. You will spend quality time and bring more intimacy in your personal life. The transit of Jupiter on your social network zone brings important changes in your love and social life. Child birth is expected from married couple. The right kind of communication and talk will be favorable to gaining favors. You might also see money coming from some of the passive sources of income from the property and past investments. Libra Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 9th house after that in 10th house. The transit of planet Jupiter will ease some of your problems. Money flow will be normal. Better relationships with your family and friends. Good time for those in jobs. Chances of promotions and increments are likely. Enhancement in business, buying luxury goods and foreign travels are expected. Unemployed persons will find jobs. Health should be taken care of. You have to control your expenses on useless things. You will have an easygoing and progressive attitude in domestic and professional life. Personal power and independence will increase and you will do what pleases you most and you will do it in your way. Planetary favour is instrumental in whatever you wish to do. You may attain zenith in your career growth. Change of employer is also likely, particularly foreign company may be your new destination. However, make your schedule and complete your work accordingly. Remaining calm even in odd situations is your best asset. Your polite dealing will pacify everything. Scorpio Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 8th house and then moves into 9th house for rest of the year. It is generally regarded as unfavourable position to your rashi. Moreover, you are running with Sade sati (7 ½ yrs of cycle). Saturn is placed in 12th house to your rashi. You will face obstructions in your career and business. Do not argue with your boss and colleagues. Business development plans if any, should be deferred to next year. Mental tensions will be there. Expenses will be more than income. So, you should use your money very carefully. Do not buy new properties or vehicles at this time. You can be pulled into litigation if you are not careful. Health checks should be taken on time. Do not support any one illegally doing anything. If you recite Durga Shaptashati for mitigation of your problem, it will be helpful. You are advised to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, rather than dwelling on the negative. Avoid discussing major issues and be specific while communicating with a loving partner. Think before saying anything, especially while communicating with the beloved ones as misunderstanding is very likely and could end in dispute. The second half of the years brings vitality in your love life. There is a good chance to create more harmony with family members and loved ones. Domestic life will be far happier than before, and there is a likelihood of some events of celebrations and marriage ceremonies in close family circle. Sagittarius Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 7th house and afterwards moves into 8th house. This period will bring career growth, business development and good cash flow. Jobless persons will get new jobs. Employed persons will get promotions with good increments. Your work will be respected and valued. Businessmen will feel happy with their sturdy business growth. New business plans will yield good results. Profits will increase. You can repay your old debts, if any. Promising functions like marriage, child birth or happiness through children will give you more happiness. You will have monetary gains, pilgrimages, affluence and win over litigation. Health will be good. Saving your money and buying properties at this time is recommended. You should put maximum efforts to reap the benefits fully at this favourable period. The second half of the year brings mixed effects on your family relationships. There may be a small dispute with your love partner but you will have to handle the situation by acting more mature and calming them down. You may be in conflict with one of the family members, and here you will have to be patient and strike a compromise. . Capricorn Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 6th house and after that it assumes 7th house from your Rashi. The position of Jupiter in the 6th house is not favourable for your rashi. It may give more everyday expenditure. Mental worry will prevail. In career or business, as the other planets are positive, you will continue to maintain and nurture amidst financial pressures. Do not take risks at this time. Decisions regarding your business deals should be taken with utmost care. Businessmen should be careful while investing in new ventures. Students need to concentrate more as there could be derailment from education. Auspicious celebrations like marriage will give you happiness. Income and expenses will be equal. Prayers to Lord Hanuman will give you the energy to face these challenging situations. Capricorns will have to work hard to get what they want and give the work their priority. You must not take any shortcut to get your work done. Financially, you will be prosperous. There will be job changes in store for some. These can be within the same organization or with a different one. There will be greater cooperation between you and your love partner. And those who are married will have unconditional attachment to their spouse during this year. Those who are single they might find love opportunities at work. You should remember not to take any important decision in love unless you gain more clarity. Make sure, do some research, gather facts and then move on with the plan systematically. You should avoid making any hasty decisions which have no long term potential or you may have to regret later. Aquarius Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter is in 5th house and then it moves to 6th house from your janma rashi. Things will work according to your planning. You will get rid off all your problems. This period gives good career, business success, good income, good health, foreign travel and higher status. Financial flow and celebrations in family will make you cheerful. Functions like marriage, child birth or happiness through children will give you more happiness. Job seekers will get good jobs. Employed persons will get promotions with good increments. Your work will be appreciated and valued. Family must be your important priority. Loved ones may suffer mood swings but you will have to keep your temper in control and handle the situation with maturity. This might be challenging but you will have to be patient and deals such issues in a gentle manner. You can help improve the situation by sorting out the differences. Pisces Till 18th June 2014 Planet Jupiter in 4th house and then it moves to 5th house from your janma rashi. Your plight will be decreased to some extent. You will be relaxed and happy at this stage. Since, Saturn is in the 8th house i.e. Ashtama Sani, you may not be completely relieved from negative effects. Do not expect much. Do not buy properties at this time. You should concentrate on your children’s studies. Expenses will be increased. Family life will be affected. There will be small growth in your career and in Business. Cash flow will be optimum. Your financial conditions will get better day by day and you will meet success in almost all your monetary dealings. The second half of the year will be favorable for family and children. Unmarried Pisces will fall in love and have a lasting relationship with their loved ones. Meet old friends and seek advice of elders on pending problems, which need to be sorted out soon. Not a very favorable day to invest into risky ventures. Tip of the day: There are chances that you can go around with a person whom you know since your childhood but a solid relationship will start now know more transit detail visit akastrologyzone
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:39:08 +0000

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