Jupiter, the planet known as the Great Benefic, and the planet - TopicsExpress


Jupiter, the planet known as the Great Benefic, and the planet which symbolizes growth, the law, beliefs, ethics, expansion, opportunity, wealth, faith, higher education, travel - long distance, religion, philosophy, joy, goodwill and sometimes excess, began its retrograde journey for this year today, October 7th, at 12:03 AM EST ... transiting planetary retrogrades are often referred to as global wake-up calls ... usually right before a Jupiter retrograde it will be discovered or become apparent that society, organizations and individuals will have gone too far in their desires to expand and grow ... often the actions will have exceeded positive limits which necessitates a time for stepping back ... Jupiter retrograde is a period for everyone to grow internally and prepare themselves for new opportunities that arise when Jupiter stations back into direct motion ... it is very important during this period to look within and develop a better understanding and awareness which hopefully will enable each one of us to figure out if what is being offered to us is what we really want and/or need ... People born with Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart usually find that societys religions, beliefs, philosophies, and cultural values are not compatible with their own values ... they have to step back from the norms and rethink these things on their own in order to develop their own individual operating systems ... needless to say, during a transiting Jupiter retrograde, we may all experience this and those born with Jupiter retrograde may experience an enhanced desire to pursue their natal energy in regard to this area of our lives ... as Jupiter goes retrograde roughly every 9 months for a period of about 4 months, there are obviously a lot of people, like yours truly, born with Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart !!! Jupiter, is currently transiting through the sign of Cancer, and just a reminder, the time has come for emotional healing ... one must find the courage and strength to take an honest look deep within and begin to release and let go of those negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that have been holding us back as well as possibly creating dis-ease within in our bodies ... it is now time to address issues within our home and families as well as issues surrounding our sense of security and the strength of our foundations in order to promote personal and spiritual growth ... and as far as our personal health, its time to begin healing, if needed, in the area of the breasts and the stomach which are ruled by Cancer ... we are also learning to promote growth - both personally and for others - through nurturing ... so now we must take time to slow down and look back as well as inward to determine if we are honestly addressing our emotional needs, as well as others, or if we have allowed them to be blown out of proportion creating stress and disruption in our lives and the lives of others ... for the present time, we have reached the crest of the tidal wave of feelings and emotions we have been engulfed by and riding since Jupiter entered Cancer back on June 25th, and the energy has now turned inward so we all may end up doing a lot of soul searching and have to draw on our personal strength and courage to face the emotions that must be examined and then purged in order to promote further personal and spiritual growth ... what sense does it make to allow ourselves to get so emotionally stressed out that we bring negativity and ultimately illness into our lives ??? ... we might actually get a little assistance with this process for the first four days with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, as well as from Saturn currently transiting through Scorpio ... and though it may not always be pleasant or easy to digest, it will certainly prove to be a valuable source for transformation and healing if we allow the process to work !!! Sagittarius born individuals, as Jupiter is the ruling planet of your Sun sign, this is your yearly period of review and reflection ... it is time to step back and reflect on what has been going on in your life since Jupiter last turned direct on January 30th of this year ... where have you possibly over-expanded, and what opportunities for growth and expansion have come your way that you either took advantage of or might well have overlooked or even ignored ??? Jupiter remains retrograde until March 6th, 2014 entirely in the sign of Cancer ... for everyone, if youve had a natal chart done, look at where 20 degrees back down to 10 degrees of Cancer falls and you might get an idea where - based on the house or houses these degrees fall in - this review and rethinking process may take place in your life ... everyone should take a good look at where you have possibly over-expanded, physically or otherwise, and/or gone too far too fast ... keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities for growth and expansion that might come your way - yes, even in a Jupiter retrograde ... take advantage of them when Jupiter resumes its forward motion - be careful otherwise you might find that you have overlooked what could ultimately be that once in a lifetime chance !!! chiron2000.blogspot
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:31:46 +0000

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