Juris is the genitive (possessive) case singular of the Latin noun - TopicsExpress


Juris is the genitive (possessive) case singular of the Latin noun jus, meaning “right”, i.e., that which is good, productive, healthful, uplifting, empowering, nurturing, peaceful, joyful, and liberating for both individuals and nations. This is not the same word we use when we say a man has rights. Jus is “right” as when we say a man did what’s right, what’s good, what’s loving. The Sanskrit equivalent is yoh, meaning “health”. A near equivalent is the Hebrew yod, meaning “source of light”. In Persia’s writings of Zoroaster it is yaozdadaiti, meaning “that which purifies”. Other words equivalent to jus relate to stretching a thing till it is perfectly straight or bending it carefully to make the perfect corner of a square or intersection of a cross. Note that jus in Latin is not just another word for “law”. The words “right” and “law” are distinct ideas in Latin. Each has its own identity. Each stands on its own. Each is different from the other. The Latin name for “law” is lex, not jus. Lex is the mechanism of state power, force, compulsion, the written law (right or wrong). Lex is the body of codified precepts and rules by which governments control people, the law that validates the force of armies and gives power to orders of magistrates. Lex is law man make for himself. Jus is something altogether different. Jus refers to that which is proper and fair in fact. Jus is what’s right, whether man’s lex makes it legal or illegal. Jus is a reality revealed only by Eternal Truth, transcending the edicts of man’s courts and legislatures. Jus is the first root of Jurisprudence … not lex. Other languages also make a distinction between eternal “right” and man’s written “law”. We would be wise in this nation to make the distinction and teach children the difference. Jus is the rule of Eternal Truth that dictates human consequences in accordance with our actions and failures to act. Jus is the hidden law of nature, what some men call Natural Law, an unavoidable reality that works behind the scenes to dictate the outcome of our behavior. Common law. Jus is the unseen Hand of God that rewards good and punishes evil, no matter what our law may say is right or wrong, no matter what public opinion demands, no matter how angrily we rebel against its supreme authority. Jus is Natural Law ( common law) supernaturally rewarding good and tearing down evil, utterly heedless of our human statutes, courts, or legislatures. Jus is jus, no matter what our lex may say. REMEMBER PEOPLE ARE NOT COLORS, THERE IS NO SUCH PEOPLE IN CIVILIZATION AS BLACK PEOPLE youtu.be/UFwDST925tg
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:14:22 +0000

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