Juror B37 Sentenced George Zimmerman to Lessons Learned Earlier, - TopicsExpress


Juror B37 Sentenced George Zimmerman to Lessons Learned Earlier, we reported that Sharlene Martin, then literary agent for Juror B37 and her husband, promoted a yet unwritten book saying, “The reader will also learn why the jurors had no option but to find Zimmerman not guilty due to the manner in which he was charged …” As we reported earlier, Judge Nelson ruled pre-trial that the manner in which Zimmerman was charged would not be presented at trial. The Washington Post reported; “Tall and slender, with long brown hair, Juror B37 watched the trial from the front row of the jury box, just steps from Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin. B37 usually stared straight ahead, taking in the motions of the trial but little of the surrounding spectacle. … While lawyers made their closing arguments, other jurors took notes furiously, but B37 seldom jotted down a word. Some in the courtroom speculated that she’d already made up her mind by that point.” The reporter with the Washington Post is not along in his observations. Bob Kealing of Wesh 2 TV, when asked about Juror B37’s book deal, responded it came as a surprise because she was “...much less intensely interested than other jurors.” Juror B37 already had her mind made up that Zimmerman’s arrest was not due to State Attorney’s Corey’s investigation, but due to rallies which Juror B37 called “riots.” This was a focal point of her unwritten book – she had no option other than to find Zimmerman not guilty “due to the manner in which he was charged.” Florida’s “stand your ground” (SYG) law gives citizens approval to start and escalate confrontation whether verbal or physical, that places themselves and others in position of reasonable fear of great bodily harm or death. Then, it tells the initiator that they must retreat before using deadly force. Then it tells the initiator that if they cannot retreat, they can use deadly force on the person they confronted. The same law tells the non-initial aggressor that they have no duty to retreat. The person confronted has just as much right to disable their attacker from continuing the confrontation, to meet force with force, even if it places their attacker in a position of being unable to retreat. In George Zimmerman’s case, Trayvon ran. When Zimmerman confronted Trayvon, (and Juror B37 admits that Zimmerman confronted Trayvon), pursuant to SYG law, Trayvon had no duty to retreat. However, based on her interview on AC360, Juror B37 said that Trayvon should have ran again — as if he could and had somewhere safe to immediately run to without GZ on his heels. While Juror B37 focused on what the defense presented as Trayvon’s role in the confrontation, (and apparently convinced 3 other jurors to go along with her), she disregarded that when Zimmerman pulled his gun, he stated that; His head was no longer on the concrete. That in fact, moving to get his head off the concrete is what he says raised his jacket exposing his gun; and, That he had Trayvon’s arm pinned. Zimmerman, according to his own statement, held Trayvon in a helpless position while he aimed his gun at the teen’s heart and pulled the trigger. Like George Zimmerman, Juror B37 deprived Trayvon Martin of his civil rights to walk without being profiled; to be outside after dark; to run from Zimmerman because he was afraid; and the right to defend himself, if she truly believes that Zimmerman’s injuries were inflicted by Trayvon. In her interview with Anderson Cooper, Juror B37 said that she would be not have wanted Zimmerman on neighborhood watch in her community before he killed Trayvon Martin. She would now be comfortable with him on neighborhood watch in her community because she believes he has learned a "good lesson." Juror B37 believes that Trayvon’s life was expendable so Zimmerman could learn a lesson to no longer go over the limits of neighborhood watch. Juror B37 appears to believe that Zimmerman learning his lesson is sufficient punishment for committing murder. The video below contains clips of Bob Kealing, Juror B37 on AC360, and also clips of the sentence that George Zimmerman is serving, and that would be avoidable, had Juror B37 put him behind bars.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:27:00 +0000

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