Just a Thought: I have tried and failed many times when it comes - TopicsExpress


Just a Thought: I have tried and failed many times when it comes to serving God in a glorious manner. No doubt if you have ever answered the call of God on your life you have too. As a young man I knew God had called me to preach and I ran so fervently toward the call I ran right past God and o ahead of His plans only to land squarely on my face. I later picked myself up and with a badly damaged ego tried to re-route my attempt to answer God’s call this time a little shaky on my feet; but thank the Lord He was with me and directed my steps slowly and methodically (not my style) to His ways and His place. I can tell you that even in those slower times I have landed hard a number of times. Because of the deep bruising and scars I am even today often shaky when it comes to following His lead and I have to be continually reminded what God has called me to do; He is going before me and He chose me I wasn’t smart enough to choose Him. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe your story sounds a little more like; “I tried that walking with God stuff and it didn’t work!” Can I assure you that while you may have made some mistakes in the past or maybe you even really blew it royally! If you will hear His call and follow His lead, God is not done with you yet. The story of Moses is a great reminder to us of this. With a divine purpose clearly on his life, he got ahead of the Lord and made a mistake with tragic results (murder) and it sidelined Moses for forty years. Burt God was not done with Him any more than He is done with you. When God’s call came to Moses after all that time; he was very reluctant and made all the excuses he could think of, but God had not quit on Moses and He certainly wasn’t done with him. “But Moses said to God, Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? So He said, I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. (Ex 3:11-12) Moses in essence questioned God’s choice of servants by asking “Who am I?” And God re-directed his focus; the question isn’t who are you; it is who Am I?” Regardless of how you have failed in the past, God wants you to return to a state of trusting and obeying in the present. He has not quit on you and if you will hear His call and return to His ways he is not done with you either. This time; hear His voice, focus on His word and let Him do the leading and delivering and I promise as it was for me and Moses, the results will be far different from what you have experienced in the past.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:36:59 +0000

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