Just a brief moment of seriousness! I have had some questions - TopicsExpress


Just a brief moment of seriousness! I have had some questions posed to me a couple of times so I thought I would touch on them for a moment. Why are our reviews always so upbeat and positive while other reviewers seem to sound negative all the time? Really the answer is quite simple. We realize that the haunts are out there for us to enjoy and that these people are trying to make a living. We also realize that a simple negative comment from someone that works Monday through Friday 9 to 5 at a regular job and has nothing else to do with the haunts until October can hurt that haunt. We also believe that negative comments do a great disservice to the haunt goers. Lets have an example. Reviewer A says, This haunt was a real disappointment for me and I would not recommend it to anyone. The actors were slow on the scares and most of the time just stood around moaning and groaning. I give this haunt a 3 out of 10! Ok, thats brutally honest and straight forward isnt it? But did they have to actually say what they said? No. In the same haunt I would have said, This haunt is perfect for the younger crowd and for those people that dont like actors that get in their personal space as the actors tend to keep back from the people and there are few, if any spots where they will jump out and scare you! Now what did I do there? Did I lie? No. But what I did was get the point across without damaging the haunt or sounding negative! How about another example? Reviewer A once again enters a haunt and comes across a room he/she dont like. They say One of the rooms that I entered at this haunt was a complete waste of time and I felt as if I had been ripped off! There were no actors in this room, just static dead bodies and skeletons on the walls and in piles on the floor with a little fog and music playing! Dont even bother with this haunt. I would have put it in a different light, one of the rooms that I entered in this haunt was full of skeletons and corpses looking as though some undead creature had had a feast within the walls of this room! The fog and creepy music added to the atmosphere and the screams of the group in front of me proved that the haunt owners had achieved what they set out to do. While this room had no fancy animatronics or actors jumping out at you, I felt it added wonderfully to the atmosphere of the haunt! Once again I have said the same thing the other reviewer said and did not have to knock the haunt in any way! What am I trying to say here? Simply put, take the reviews of haunts that you read with a grain of salt! In reality, its all about you and what you think of the haunt. Use reviews as a general guideline, but not as gospel. Remember, it is only one persons thoughts about a haunt and not yours that you are reading. Look at any site that has several reviewers on it and read all the reviews for one haunt. Did you notice something? Of course you did! The reviews sway drastically from one direction to another depending on the person. Why? Because the reviews are based on personal opinion and personal likes and dislikes. They do not take into consideration how you might feel about the haunt. If we find something that is negative, we take it to the haunt owner to be taken care of, we dont blast it out into the public in an attempt to hurt that haunts business. Another question I am asked is are you affiliated with any haunts? The answer to that is no. We are 100% independent and work separate from any and all haunts. I have friends that own haunts, yes, but I do not work for them. And finally I am asked a lot if we sell advertising space. Of course we do! Advertising space comes as part of an entire advertising and promotional campaign for the haunts. Some people would have you believe that this is a bad thing, and personally I have no clue why! We are a business, not just a bunch of people that get together every October with the hopes of getting into haunts for free. Can people pay for a better review? NO, not ever, dont even ask! Our reviews are honest and polite and reflect all haunts in a positive manner. I have been reviewing for over 30 years now, so perhaps I have just managed to learn how to be polished and more professional than the newer reviewers out there. I dont know. I hope that I have addressed any and all questions that people may have about us. Just recently I have had an influx of people asking questions and telling me that other teams are trying to use our positive attitude towards haunts against us while using negativity as a positive on their part. Not sure how that will work out! I have been reviewing under the now gone site Screams of Terror since it was run as a BBS in the early 80s and then on to the internet. Denver Haunted Houses was conceived to help haunt owners bring in more traffic to their haunts by using a more hands on personal approach, and it works!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:03:40 +0000

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