Just a few headlines from around the world concerning Christian - TopicsExpress


Just a few headlines from around the world concerning Christian persecution. You will NEVER see any of these in the MSM or talked about at the UN. But let a muslim get offended by smell bacon from a mile away, and everyone is up in arms about the hate, persecution and islamaphobia towards muslims. Statement by Iran’s Foreign Minister Gives Glimmer of Hope for Pastor Abedini Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Pastor Saeed Abedini, a naturalized American citizen, has been imprisoned in Iran for more than a year after being detained by members of the notorious Revolutionary Guard. Pastor Saeed was assisting with humanitarian work in Iran when he was arrested. Calls for his release have been largely ignored by the Iranian government, though a statement made by Irans foreign minister on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Swizterland, recently has sparked a glimmer of hope that the pastor may be released. Posted in Countries, Iran, Middle East, News | No Comments » Coptic Christians in Egypt Concerned Amid Violent Clashes Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Over the weekend in Egypt, celebrations marking the three year anniversary of the uprising that overthrew Hosni Mubarak turned violent and left almost 50 dead. Christians in the country, who number from between 5 and 9 million, fear that the violence will lead to more churches being targeted by radical Islamists and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. In August of last year, more than 40 churches were burned down after supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were pushed out of Tahrir Square in Cairo. Posted in Africa, Countries, Egypt, News | 0 Comments Why Atheist Lawsuit Against ‘In God We Trust’ Should be Thrown Out Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 On Thursday, a conservative Christian law group filed an argument with a U.S. Court of Appeals in favor of the use of In God We Trust. The filing was necessary because an atheist organization is currently suing to remove the motto. Across the United States efforts are being made in the legal arena to remove references to Christianity from public view. This attitude towards separation of church and state has also heavily influenced the public school system, where there have been several incidents of Christian students being silenced when attempting to share their faith in recent months. Posted in Countries, News, North America, United States | 0 Comments Chinese Gov’t Continues to Pressure House Churches Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 House churches in two Chinese provinces are reported that they have faced intense pressure to shut down by police and other government agencies. In China, only government endorsed and controlled Three-Self churches are allowed to operate legally, forcing Protestant Christians to choose between worshiping in a government controlled service or freely in an illegal house church. These house churches are subject to harassment at any time by government officials and members are sometimes arrested. Posted in Asia, China, Countries, News | 0 Comments “Peaceful” Cuban Baptist Pastor Under House Arrest Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 A Baptist Reverend in Cuba, named Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso, has been placed under house arrest. This follows a day-long detention in which DNA and scent samples were forcibly taken from him during interrogation. The Cuban government has recently begun cracking down on those they view as political dissidents including Reverend Barroso and, earlier this month, Pastor Yordani Santí. Posted in Countries, Cuba, News | 0 Comments Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Leave No Room for Religious Minorities Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 ICC Note: A recent order by Pakistans Federal Sharia Court (FSC) has many Pakistani Christians concerned that life is about to get much harder in an already tough country. On December 4th, the FSC ordered the Pakistani government to remove life imprisonment from the list potential punishments for those convicted of blasphemy. This would effectively leave the death penalty as the exclusive punishment for blasphemy. Christians and other religious minorities fear this change because Pakistans blasphemy laws are already frequently abused to persecute minority communities. The change to the laws would only make an already deadly law even deadlier. Tags:Asia, blasphemy, Pakistan Posted in Asia, Countries, News, Pakistan | 0 Comments 22 Christians Killed in Attack on Catholic Church in Northeastern Nigeria Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Tags:Africa, Boko Haram, Nigeria Posted in Africa, Countries, News, Nigeria | 0 Comments Christian Convert in Algeria Risks Losing Daughter for New Faith Monday, January 27th, 2014 A court in Algeria has told Ali Touahir, a recent convert to Christianity, that he should renounce his faith if he wishes to reconcile with his wife and be reunited with his 7-year-old daughter. The constitution of Algeria declares Islam as the state religion and, according to the U.S. State Departments report on International Religious Freedom, prohibits institutions from engaging in behavior incompatible with Islamic morality. Sharing ones faith with others is also illegal for non-Muslims and can be punishable by up to five years in prison. Ali has also received death threats for converting to Christianity. Posted in Africa, Algeria, Countries, News | 0 Comments 22 Christians Killed in Attack on Church in Northeastern Nigeria Monday, January 27th, 2014 According to reports, 22 Christians were killed when a busy church service at Waga Chakawa village was attack Sunday, January 26. Attackers, reportedly linked to the Boko Haram sect, stormed the peaceful service armed with guns and explosives. After attacking the church, the suspected militants burned down houses and took local Christians hostage. This is only the latest attack perpetrated by Boko Haram against the Christian community of northern Nigeria. With the expressed aim of establishing a separate Islamic state in Nigerias north, Boko Haram has unleashed a campaign of terror and death on Christians living in northern Nigeria. Pray for the victims and their families. Tags:Africa, Boko Haram, Nigeria Posted in Africa, Countries, News, Nigeria | 0 Comments Persecution of Christians May Hit Record Levels in 2014 Monday, January 27th, 2014 While 2013 marked a very difficult year for Christian communities around the world, 2014 may be even more dangerous. The Middle East saw unprecedented levels of persecution, especially in Syria, where Open Doors recorded 1,213 Christian martyrs in 2013. Western media and governments can do more to cover the subject and to pressure nations who allow religious persecution to step in and protect Christians from violence. Posted in Countries, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, News, Saudi Arabia, Syria | 0 Comments Radical Monks Granted Bail After Attacking Two Churches in Sri Lanka Monday, January 27th, 2014 Seven Buddhist monks accused of attacking two churches in Sri Lanka were granted bail on Monday, January 27th. The attacks took place earlier this month when the radical monks led mobs into two churches and vandalized both properties. Attacks on Christian places of worship are becoming more common as Buddhist nationalism takes hold in Sri Lanka. Generally, authorities overlook attacks on religious minorities, but in this case the U.S. Ambassador called on the Sri Lankan government to end the impunity enjoyed by those attacking religious minorities. Please pray for justice in this case. Tags:Asia, Sri Lanka Posted in Asia, Countries, News, Sri Lanka | 0 Comments Fifteen Christians Detained in Beijing After Attempted Visit to Christian Under House Arrest Monday, January 27th, 2014 While China publicly claims to allow full religious freedom, the Communist Party continues to maintain a policy of tightly restricting the operations of religious groups. Christians are forced by law to worship in only government approved churches, yet millions choose to practice their faith illegally in unregistered house churches. Last Friday 15 Christians belonging to a house church in Beijing were detained when they attempted to visit a fellow believer under house arrest. Their arrest may be a part of a wider effort by the national government to repress any perceived dissident groups ahead of the Chinese New Year. Posted in Asia, China, Countries, News | 0 Comments Small Bombs Hurled at Church in Malaysia as Anti-Christian Sentiment Rises Monday, January 27th, 2014 Two small bombs were hurled from the back of motorbike at a church in the Northern half of the Malaysian peninsula on Sunday night in an attack reminiscent of the violence faced by Christians in the country in 2010. Only one bomb exploded and no one was injured. In addition banners mocking the use of the word Allah by Christians in the country appeared overnight in front of three churches. The attacks mark an alarming new level in the controversy over the use of the Arabic word for God by non-Muslims. The controversy is partially a gauge for the consistently rising level of intolerance towards minority faiths as radical Islamic theology spreads in the country. Posted in Asia, Countries, Malaysia, News | 0 Comments Church in Tanzania Attacked by 100 Muslim Extremists Monday, January 27th, 2014 Islamic extremism continues to drive Christians persecution on Tanzanias semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar. On January 11, a mob of more that 100 extremists broke into a church during a Sunday service and brutally beat the visiting pastor. The mob stated that their intention was to use violence to drive the Christians out of their neighborhood. Police briefly arrested some of the assailants, but they were later released. Please pray for Christians living in Zanzibar, who are daily facing growing persecution. Tags:Africa, Tanzania Posted in Africa, Countries, News, Tanzania | 0 Comments Religious Violence Continues in Central African Republic Sunday, January 26th, 2014 The Central African Republic (CAR) continues to descend into a religiously motivated civil war with both Christians and Muslim militias destroying communities across the country. Millions have been displaced by the violence and thousands have been killed. Please pray for this conflict to come to and end and for peace to be restored. Tags:Africa, Central African Republic Posted in Africa, Central African Republic, Countries, News | 0 Comments Methodist Church Expresses Grave Concern Over Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Sunday, January 26th, 2014 The Methodist Church in Britain has expressed grave concern over a recent ordered handed down by Pakistans Federal Sharia Court (FSC). On December 4th, the FSC ordered the Pakistani government to take action to remove life imprisonment from the list of punishments applicable to those found guilty of blasphemy. This order would effectively leave the death penalty as the exclusive punishment in cases of blasphemy. Many Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan fear this potential development because the blasphemy laws are already widely abused against religious minorities. The government has until February 4th to implement the FSCs order. Please pray for the safety and well being of Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan. Tags:Asia, blasphemy, Pakistan Posted in Asia, Countries, News, Pakistan | 0 Comments Christians in Malaysia Defend Freedom as Country Moves Towards Radical Islam Sunday, January 26th, 2014 The heated controversy over the use of the Arabic word for God, Allah, has swept across Malaysia for the past several weeks after a court ruled non-Muslims would not be allowed to use the word. The subsequent raid of a Christian Bible Society and the brief arrest of the societys president alarmed many of the nations Christian communities. In early 2010, controversy over the same issue sparked several attacks, including bombings, of churches in Malaysia. Minority religious communities are worried that the government is gravitating towards more radical Islamic parties to garner political support. Posted in Asia, Countries, Malaysia, News | 0 Comments Church Concern Over Change to Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan Saturday, January 25th, 2014 In early December, the Federal Sharia Court of Pakistan ordered the government of Pakistan to remove the punishment of life imprisonment from the countrys controversial blasphemy laws, leaving death as the exclusive punishment. Pakistans government has until February 4th to implement this order. Christians and other religious minorities fear this change to the countrys blasphemy laws. The laws are often abused and targeted at religious minorities. Please pray for the Christians of Pakistan as they face this tough time. Tags:Asia, blasphemy, Pakistan Posted in Asia, Countries, News, Pakistan | 0 Comments Christians Persecution May Grow Worse in North Korea in 2014 Saturday, January 25th, 2014 While North Korea is already considered the most dangerous place on earth to be a Christian, one organization is predicting that new government regulations are going to make life even more difficult for the thousands of underground believers in the nation. These new guidelines include restrictions on superstitious behaviour, which in North Korea can be something as simple as bowing your head to pray. Thousands of Christians are believed to be held in concentration camps where starvation and death from disease or forced labor are constant threats. In November the regime, led by Kim Jong-Un, is believed to have publicly executed Christians for Bible ownership. Posted in Asia, Countries, News, North Korea | 0 Comments Court Date Set for Detained Pastor Zhang Shaojie Saturday, January 25th, 2014 In November, Chinese authorities detained 23 members of the Nanle Country Church in Henan Province. The arrest of the church members, including Pastor Zhang Shaojie, is the largest known crack down on a legal, government endorsed Three-Self church in recent history. Typically only illegal and unregistered house churches face this type of harassment. In the months since the arrest, Pastor Zhang Shaojies location was kept secret and his attorney was prevented from meeting with him. Now a court date has been set for Jan. 28, though trials of political criminals in China tend to be serious examples of injustice, with the guilty verdict being a foregone conclusion. About half of the believers detained with the pastor have been released. Posted in Asia, China, Countries, News | 0 Comments Iran: One Christian Released, More Remain Behind Bars Friday, January 24th, 2014 On January 13th, the Christian community in Iran celebrated the release of Davoud Alijani, a Christian arrested with four others in December of 2011. Davoud had spent more than 250 days in confinement for the crime of converting from Islam to Christianity. Several other Christians remain imprisoned in Iran for the same crime. The government of Iran remains highly repressive of Christianity and also continues to hold American citizen and pastor Saeed Abedini in prison, despite calls from organizations around the world for his release. Posted in Countries, Iran, Middle East, News | 0 Comments Innocent Pastor in Central Asia Remains in Detention Despite Charges Dropped Friday, January 24th, 2014 International Christian Concern (ICC) has just learned that charges of “propagating extremism” against 67-year-old Presbyterian Pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev were dropped by a court in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, late Wednesday. The pastor’s eight month-long detention and harsh treatment has drawn heavy criticism of Kazakhstan’s government from international human rights organizations, including ICC. Posted in Asia, Countries, ICC News, Kazakhstan, News, News Releases and Featured Articles | 0 Comments Egyptian Christians Cautiously Optimistic Over New Constitution Friday, January 24th, 2014 The following opinion editorial by Nick Gray of Christian Middle East Watch takes a look at Egypts new constitution, voted in last week, and the hopeful expectations of Egypts Coptic Christians, who have been heavily persecuted since the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhoods regime under Mohammed Morsi. Although the new constitution does promise to provide greater equality for Egypts religious minorities, attacks on Christian churches and kidnappings by radical groups still continue on a regular basis. Posted in Africa, Countries, Egypt, News | 0 Comments Christian Message Continues to Penetrate North Korea, Despite Persecution Friday, January 24th, 2014 North Korea is undoubtedly the most difficult place for a Christian to live in the world today. An estimated 400,000 Christians live in North Korea, practicing their faith in almost total secrecy. A crime as simple as owning a Bible can be punished by life imprisonment or public execution. Nevertheless reports emerge that underground Christians are continuing to share their faith and minister throughout the Hermit Kingdom, despite risk of death. Posted in Asia, Countries, News, North Korea | 0 Comments Quiet Priest Faces Intense Pressure in Malaysia for Defending Religious Freedom Friday, January 24th, 2014 Father Andrew Lawrence, the founder of a small Catholic newspaper, has become the focal point of a controversy over the use of the Arabic word Allah by Christians. A recent court ruling involving his newspaper, The Herald, made the use of the word by non-Christians illegal. A few weeks later a raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia led to the brief arrest of the president of the Bible society and the confiscation of hundreds of Bibles. Now Malaysia is embroiled in controversy as Christians and other religious minorities fear their rights are being eroded with the spread of radical Islamic ideology. Posted in Asia, Countries, Malaysia, News | 0 Comments Sudan Turning into Police State for Christians Friday, January 24th, 2014 For Christians living in Sudan, travel restrictions are only the most recent form of persecution that is making it difficult for them to exist. According to Sudanese bishops meeting in South Sudan, many of their fellow bishops from Sudan were denied the right to travel to the meeting and have had their passports taken by government officials. Discrimination, social hostility and harassment are becoming more and more common for Christians in Sudan. Many fear that the Islamic government will soon take even more dramatic action against the Christian faith. Tags:Africa, Sudan Posted in Africa, Countries, News, Sudan | 0 Comments Religious Leaders Call for Peace and Reconciliation in CAR Friday, January 24th, 2014 As the Central African Republic (CAR) continues to descend into a religious civil war, pitting Christian against Muslim, two of the countrys top religious leaders are calling on their followers to lay down their arms and reconcile with one another. After a Muslim rebel group called Seleka took over the country in March 2013, attacks on Christians skyrocketed. In response, Christian militias were formed and have been carrying our reprisal attacks on Muslims, regardless of their connection to Seleka. Please pray for peace in CAR. Tags:Africa, Central African Republic Posted in Africa, Central African Republic, Countries, News | 0 Comments Egypt: Coptic Christians Kidnapped Weekly, Held for Ransom by Radicals Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Coptic Christians in Upper Egypt continue to be targeted for kidnapping and extortion on a weekly basis. The most recent case occurred on Tuesday morning when masked men abducted 52-year-old Nady Farag Massad at gunpoint in the governorate of Minya. According to local sources, Mr. Massad was purchasing bread for his family at a local bakery when the gunmen forced him into their vehicle and fled the scene. Two days later, Mr. Massad’s kidnappers have yet to contact anyone demanding a ransom. Posted in Africa, Countries, Egypt, ICC News, News, News Releases and Featured Articles | 0 Comments Kazakhstan: Foreigners Who Share Faith Targeted for Deportation Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 Typically outside of the international media spotlight, Kazakhstan has slowly but surely tightening restrictions on the religious freedom of 16.8 million citizens. As the following article points out, foreigners who share their faith are deported, despite the countries commitment to upholding international human rights standards. ICC has also highlighted the case of Pastor Kashkumbayev, a Presbyterian minister from the capital of Astana, who has been imprisoned since May of 2013. The Kazakh government denies it is committing any human rights violations, despite protests from international human rights organizations. Posted in Asia, Countries, Kyrgyzstan, News | 0 Comments Memorial Services Held on 20th Anniversary of Iranian Pastors Martyrdom Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 Pastor Haik Hovsepian gave everything for his faith. In 1994, Pastor Haik, the superintendent of the Assemblies of God Church in Iran, was murdered just days after holding a successful protest for the release of a fellow pastor. At the time his murder sparked widespread media coverage and drew attention to the lack of religious freedom in Iran. Sadly, two decades later, little has improved for religious minorities in the country. Today Christians continue to face systematic persecution and imprisonment. Perhaps the most well-known religious prisoner in the West currently, Pastor Saeed Abedini, has been in imprisoned in Iran for over a year. Posted in Countries, Iran, Middle East, News | 0 Comments
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:37:17 +0000

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