Just a few things Id like to clear about about the - TopicsExpress


Just a few things Id like to clear about about the terrorists Not all Muslims are terrorists, however theres a large portion of radical Islamists (those who corrupted Islam to a fanatical extent) who want to remove every Western influence from Iraq and Syria, they are known as IS. IS wish to spread their influence and bring Sharia Law to the Middle East through use of force. Their radical ideologies have spread around the world and unfortunately they have come into Australia as well as Indonesia, Western China and the lower borders of Russia as far as Im aware. IS want to kill all infidels and if you dont agree with Sharia law then youre an infidel. Also Muslim is not a race, that is like saying Christian is a race; its a religious following. Not all Muslims are bad people, however IS are a radical and extreme guerrilla force that now use terrorist tactics in order to spread fear. Islamists corrupt Islam and those who are Islamic are just peaceful people. The amount of hate directed towards the Muslim community is pathetic, if anything, direct your hate to the Islamic State.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 08:26:49 +0000

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