Just a few thoughts Ive been having the last few - TopicsExpress


Just a few thoughts Ive been having the last few days..... First, let me say that I havent been on this page much because I have been super busy and with the time change, I feel like there just isnt enough time in the day to get everything done that I want to get done. The thing is though, when I DO get on here and scroll through my feed, Ive been getting very irritated. Why? Glad you asked. I follow a LOT of pages. A LOT. Some pages are people who have just started their fitness/weight loss journey, some are just trying to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle and some are competitors. People post their workouts, meals and even post when theyre feeling like crap and missed a workout. Weve all done it. Weve all fallen of the wagon (so to speak). There are a lot of people who are clean eaters and water drinkers and thats just their way of life. Its not as difficult for them because they actually LIKE the food theyre eating and actually LIKE the taste of water! Then, there are people like me......people who arent crazy about eating vegetables without bathing them in butter, gag at the thought of cooked broccoli or carrots and it takes every ounce of self-discipline they can muster to drink water when all they want is an ice cold Coke with their meal! This getting healthy thing isnt easy for everyone. For some, its downright hard and sometimes depressing. I do believe that 90% of weight loss has to do with making up your mind to do something about it. Nope, you cant just sit on your butt all day and do nothing and expect to lose weight. Wishin aint gonna make it happen.....youre gonna have to work for it and its hard work! Ive had to learn to say NO to myself and my SELF doesnt like when I say NO to it! My SELF is a rebel that when told the word NO, wants to do the exact opposite just for kicks! Whos with me?! My point to all this rambling is this......every person is different. Every journey is different. Everyones goals are different. No two people are exactly the same. We all have different views and opinions. Now, the reason Im irritated..... Several pages I follow have been dealing with people being rude to them. People hide behind a computer screen and just say whatever they want with no regard for the persons feelings. These people think theyre being all big and bad but theyre not. Theyre cowards! Bullies! I dont understand how people find it so easy to criticize someone else. Its one thing to disagree with someone or to not like a specific body type.....but for the love of all that is holy....if you dont like it....just keep your mouth shut! Youre CLEARLY unhappy with yourself and should retreat back into whatever room youre in, shut down the computer and not come back out until youve found some self respect....because if youre being disrespectful to others, you must not have much respect for yourself. I dont care if youre skinny, fat, thick, curvy, muscular, tall or short.....if youre at the beginning of your journey to lose weight and get healthy or if youve got muscles for daysss......it never hurts to say something encouraging or positive to someone! If you notice even a small difference in someone...TELL THEM! If you see someone struggling, ENCOURAGE THEM! Someone could be in a funk and your encouraging words might be just the thing that snaps them out of it and gives them a refill of the motivation everyone so desperately needs. Be a motivator! Be an encourager! Be a faith builder! Be kind! Be a breath of fresh air! Sincerely, Kristi
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:37:09 +0000

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