Just a few thoughts as I rehash the events from last - TopicsExpress


Just a few thoughts as I rehash the events from last night... 1) Although I am a fan of instant replay, I think last nights reversal stunk. When it takes more than 2 and a half minutes to make the call, ITS TOO CLOSE TO CALL. No matter how many times they slowed it down, there was no way to know when it was actually secured in the glove. That became as much of a judgement call OUT as the SAFE call was on the field. Ive said for several years now in football and now in baseball, if you cant see it in 15 seconds of replay, the play should stand. Weve all seen calls where the umpire or official just blew the call (game 6 1985), but last nights wasnt one. 2)I really cant figure out why Moose took Gordos throw on the Panda tagup from behind the baseline. It just doesnt make any sense. Were lucky Panda didnt kick it into the dugout as he slide in; although it wound up not mattering since he scored on the next hit anyway. I cant remember the game, but several nights ago Moose took the slightly off line throw up the line in front of the baseline and spun back to lay the tag down for a huge out. If anyone has a clue what he was doing back there last night, please let me know. 3)I am wrestling with myself about whether Gordo should have gone home on the single and two base error. Two outs, bottom of the ninth, down by one, batting against the guy that owned us for a week. We get the break we were needing and somehow we think were going to get two hits in a row? Its sickening to know now that it all ended with a foul ball pop up. In my heart, I know that we would have been just as sick for it to end at home plate. But wow, how exciting would it have been to see him run down the line, see the throw come in, see the tag go down and the umpire signal OUT!!!!.... No wait!!! Catchers interference!!! HES SAFE!!!!! TIE GAME!!!!! Just think of that!!! You know that if that happened, we would have gone on to win it. Then I might have needed to find an old couch in Fort Smith to burn!!! 4)I have to believe that baseball culture in Kansas City has changed for the positive for the foreseeable future. Most likely Jame Shields has pitched his last innings with the Royals, but although he didnt show up as Big Game during the playoffs, I believe that he taught these young Royals how to play the game. I believe that his time with this team will be seen throughout the years. We may not make the playoffs next year or the next, but I think the years of me celebrating once we win game number 63 in late September are well behind us. I can still see him pumping his fist and yelling WHY NOT US to his teammates as he headed into the dugout after another shutdown inning. Thank you James!!! I wish you well! 5)And finally Id like to acknowledge the fans from here that helped make this such an enjoyable ride. I watched almost every game this year with my good friend, Sherry Suratt. And then watched many playoff games and every world series game with my sweet Lexi. And Ive gained a great friend in Jim Pawlus. Hes one of the most knowledgeable Royals fans I know. And then to have his son, Joe, drive in from Little Rock to watch with us several nights over the past couple weeks was really fantastic. And thanks for the crew that came to watch last night at Webby Ds to make it feel like a true home team bar.... Mike, Frank, Jim, Greg, Crystal, Jeremy, Valarie, Richard, Timmy, Grant, Drew, Dougie. We had the place rockin! And a final thanks to Webbys and Beef Obradys and Applebees and TGIFridays for putting up with us these last four weeks. It has been a blast! I could have used the other $4,000 last night to cover all of the food and drink bills weve had this month. Did I say its been a blast?!?! 6)And just one more. Thank you KANSAS CITY ROYALS!!! Thanks to Salvy, Hoz, Omar, Esky, Moooose, Gordo, LoCain, Nori, and Billy (Country Breakfast). And then theres Dyson and Gore and Ace Ventura, Guts Guthrie, Duffy, and then HDH (Huerra, Davis, and Holland). I know there are a few more, but you get the idea. Ive loved baseball my entire life, and you guys helped me remember why. It was one heck of a ride. Thank you! And see you again in about 5 months!!! BTW, I still think they should give you a parade for winning the pennant. You deserve it. I suppose we can wait one more year for a parade!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 00:31:13 +0000

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