Just a kind reminder that I dont mind anyone saying that music is - TopicsExpress


Just a kind reminder that I dont mind anyone saying that music is wrong but I will only take advice allow those who I know dont just preach but actually are practicing and helping change peoples thinking if I respect u then you should respect that if music isnt right neither is fb sites And everyone needs to respect others views but no one can force anyone I truely respect Ghazali Trust for practicing what they preach Im born and bred on the streets of Oldham I show those worthy of respect the utmost respect and with your dwaas I do watever I can for charity and fellow bros sisters Im far from perfect but some people who chat about Islam are missing the point and no point in reading just namaaz without having any insaniyath for orphans and the poor majboor people and with respect the people who know me will tel u that in my day no one has or could Say boo to me Ive lowered my eyes to show people respect plz respect that and I wish we the Muslim umah were all better and more practicing Muslims Im proud of those who have left the streets the sins and are now helping others. May Allah swt guide us all Ameen
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:12:45 +0000

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