Just a little food for thought for all those jumping on the - TopicsExpress


Just a little food for thought for all those jumping on the immigration bandwagon! Maybe, just maybe if western pushed globalisation and corporatism hadnt infiltrated and decimated, nearly every single less economically developed country on the planet. They may have the ability stay in their own country and prosper, cherish their own culture and continue to live happily and bring up families where they were born. Global austerity and poverty has driven the majority of underprivileged people to desperation, they are using what they can to survive, they are emigrating to provide for themselves and families like any of us would do. Whole countries and cultures have been reduced to turmoil because of unelected beurocrats in positions of power through non government organisations, political charities and understanding un-audited federal governance bodies like the European union based on the nazi European economic community. Europe is being torn apart by EU open border policies and this idiotic multiculturalism agenda with political correctness running alongside, using a Fiat currency designed to fail. Maybe, just maybe people would want to admire the beauty of their own country, carry on its history and cultural legacy like their ancestors who stood before them. This seems unachievable in the current situation where people work more hours than they have leisure, earn less in a day than what is required to live. Local Farmers, local businesses, whole infrastructures of past industry destroyed and left to ruin by multinational corporations monopolising everything in site like a game of monopoly. Maybe, just maybe if an imperial army masquerading as peace keeping forces were to stay out of other countries. Refuse to engage in a 21st century crusade on fictional enemies, based on false flag illusionary psychological special operations such as 9/11 there would be no mass hysteria and paranoia. Our armies invade countries without our consent, using our tax payers money, with our young men and womens lives to justify a geo political agenda that doesnt benefit us in anyway, in fact considers us vermin and productive cattle. Because we are comfy at home thinking everything is hunky dory does not mean that is real. we have just backed a militant backed coup detat in the Ukraine as well as many other coups carried out over the last few decades to install our own culture, goverment and favoured puppet politicians e.g Libya, Syria, Iraq, afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia... The list goes on. Whole nations like Africa have been brought to its knees by political and financial control. Great cultures and countries like afghanistan and Iraq, once ancient mesopatamia, sumer, babylon destroyed. The problem isnt people, the problem isnt culture, the problem isnt religion, the problem isnt race, the problem is the system of governance we live under and the society we have been born into and forced to be part of.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:47:51 +0000

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