Just a little thought I had this morning. As a clinical - TopicsExpress


Just a little thought I had this morning. As a clinical hypnotherapist we sometimes use metaphors to get a message across without telling the client what to do they get the message from the story. This morning I was out watering and noticed our mandarin tree. This year it was absolutely loaded with mandarins, it kept ourselves and others in a constant supply from July through til October. As I looked at it this morning I realised we wont have any mandarins next year. I could have thought about this with disappointment but didnt. I remember it flowering a while ago as it was still loaded with fruit so the opportunity was there, I thought at the time I must pick the rest so not to take away from the flowers and new fruit. Around that time we have had some very windy and wild days so the flowers must have all dropped off at the time. The tree really has over grown and we were struggling to reach the top to pick the fruit even with a ladder it was too far out of reach. So it will be a good opportunity to cut it right back and just allow the tree to have a rest this year. :) I know the mandarins will come again. The tree is actually 18 years old, this past year it had the most fruit weve ever had on it. So it does need a rest.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:38:52 +0000

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