Just a lukewarm and factually broken flick, but worth posting. - TopicsExpress


Just a lukewarm and factually broken flick, but worth posting. HOWEVER, I encourage you to read my spontaneous comment to Bondis essay on Population issue (also linked below), because SHE and THE EXPERTS in the film *ARE NOT OFFEIRNG SOLUTIONS* but actually leaving out the core matter; which is NOT POPULATION per se. And whereas middle class urban people (well presented by the whites in the trailer) are sort of okay (and do accept!!) seeing population culls, they are NOT willing to CHANGE the more important and real elephant in the room: *consumption*, since each of them consumes more food, energy, human rights abuses than ANY of the 4 billion poor on the planet. More about it below: And I get TOUGH on (1% aware but uneducated) celebrities like BINDI. Because they are NOT the proper role model we need. https://youtube/watch?v=ITvCGMyJEoA Erics response to Bindis well intended but badly done call for population awareness https://youtube/watch?v=lYbNbJG3-1k australiazoo.au/about-us/the-irwins/bindi Hey, hey, hey, Bindi. Mother Earth did not invite 1.4 billion people. How do you deduct this? THIS essay is an uneducated and dangerous nonsense because you throw in your model example. YES; POPULATION is a huge issue, and it requires to be addressed. But NOT starting out that 1.4 billion are the LIMIT, as your only original and only memorable aspect conveys. -- people also in the trailer simply talk abut „from 2 to 7 billion, how horrid“, but do not even MENTION that it has gone along with escalating ecological footprints and consumption. You HAVE to mention that your 104 year old and the other old guy in the trailer... compare HIS footprint today, with that of his grandparents in 1930. THAT is the big elephant in the room. Not the petty use of resources by a hundred people in rural India. You are using up around 20 to 100 times the resources that they do. You are doing the things destroying the oceans and atmosphere, causing human rights abuses, land grabbing and resource wars, and water aquifer depletion. Not what they are doing. And – as a mirror of that lifestyle, your kind in industrial cities is getting heart disease, cancer, diabetes – not them. Climate change, ocean collapse, water depletion, elephant poaching, deforestation of Indonesia, extinction of Orang Utans, GMOs... none of that has anything to do with „the poor“. None of it! But in your essay, and the trailer, no one even mentions the obscene luxury of your party dinner package, the obscene clothing and lifestyle costs of your friends. And no one mentions the obscene amounts of energy going into sustaining the lifestyles of the clever experts. It is not about going back to living in tatters off the land. And living as a tribal in the rainforest does not at all meaning to live poorly in tatters. If you look at these people, and the rural people of Bhutan, you will notice that they are dressed in things and jewelry that you as a middle class person cannot even afford: Look at these images. And some of them in Bhutan are wearing dresses of beauty that took a year to make. Can you afford such a dress, or only a $5 sweat shop shirt? They even have the time luxury of creating such clothing. Do you? And they are smiling, are not depressed. How are you? They eat solely organic food. Can you afford a pure 100% organic diet, or are yu truly too poor, as a second class industrial slave? And still, the lifestyle of your 20th Century industrial species (or rather 19th century energy paradigm fired species) is eroding the entire planet. Once again, it is not about going back to all of us living on a self-sustaining farm. We do not havwe the blessing to go and enjoy that plantiful life again. But it is about rebalancing our economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual wealth. And the latter three being high, we need very little economic show-off fashion trash. It is about at last applying the multi-award winning energy saving, people powered solutions that exist, by the thousands, for bringing about inner and outer abundance, thriving, vibrant cmmunity, libertarian lifestyles and also inner and outer peace. Instead of re-iterating bits and distorted pieces of memes uttered by global experts, out of context, and messing them up, without changing anything about the ral elepahnt in the room: unsustainable, monocultural societal models of exploitation and apathy, one-eyed thinking, copy-pasting data gobbled down in class, without understanding of the whole. Even incapable of conveying that what we are kind of passionate about in free speech, but reading it from a sheet of paper, using petty ways for captivating our audience. This is not meant as a persianl offense. But to highlight the beginners level that you are on, and 99,9% of the population. You admit that you do not have the answers. Then, please do some proper research. Not on B and C-quality level. Not on supposed A-quality level. Because thats only the mainstream experts, the mediocre ones also in the trailer. But on A++ level, the Einsteins of today, the ones who do not merely collect data like the useless „experts“ of the unsustainable society(!), but the GENIUSES who HAVE tangible solutions. Because, of course, they exist: the ones creating healthy, affordable food and energy abundance without hurting people, animals, the soil and the web of life. Go listen to them and then start replicating their solutions. It is very simple. From a global expert and changemakers perspective, knowing 4,000 model solutions for a global, peaceful, just, thriving and sustainable civilization with inner & outer abundance for all, this is what matters: a) like industrialized countries are experiencing: balanced birth numbers, non-growing societies; its happening naturally; b) CHANGE the economic paradigm of needing ever more young workers to PAY for the pensions (German stupid politicians are calling for Germany to have more kids and call immigrants to sustain and unsustainable model; do they want 200 mio industrial Germans with a huge footprint in 2100?); c) do NOT promote population CULL or tolerate die-offs of the supposed poor who cannot feed themselves and have lots of kids (thats the natural conclusion most (white) urban people make), ... and whatever issue you bring on the table WITHOUT proper conclusions, the inhabitants of the unsustainable civilization will DO WRONG and worsen it all(!) -> like with carbon trade (makes everything worse), -> like with biofuels(!) makes everything WORSE. So, whats really up with the poor? INDIA (1 of 7 billion people) is well able to feed herself with better distribution. AFRICA can be very fine, if production is not exported to Europe (without earning much money for it, anyway), but SRI and other organic, small farmer-powered yield-multiplying practices (agroforestry, agroecology) for regional markets. The URBAN centres, on the other hand, can very well feed themselves organically and affordable, at no/low energy and transportation costs through vertical, hydroponic farming, as massive urban organic farms are already proving across the US and Montreal, Canada. The solutions exist. The OCEANS, for example (94% of everything alive under the waves gone), do NOT die bec of overpop and the poor, but because 40% of fish are used for industrial factory farming (eating MEAT is the big elephant in the room), we dont need to eat „shrimp“ from an industry massively devastating coastlines, eradicating mangroves, polluting the oceans, creating dead zones with chemicals, poop and medication ... and - as you can easily tell from very vital, shining vegetarians and vegans (including some of the strongest men in the world) it is EASY to let go of eating up wildlife, oceans etc, if ONE truly IS THE CHANGE. Also, no one needs palm oils, sugars and all that dirt. Also, we dont need so much ENERGY, etc --- **EARTH** can EASILY sustain 7, and also 12 billion people, --- nlt Mordorian orcs, ghouls and muggles... but HUMANS dignified to walk the sacred grounds of Lothlorien, which Earth truly is. Elves. And the ones living this inner hero/ine and elf for real, you can find at youth-leader.org I have to stress, Bindi, that you will have gotten mre close to making meaningful contributions about global issues, when she is able to speak freely. Not learned by heart, but speaking FREE, based on complex, multi-perspective knowledge on an issue. You have some passion, but honestly, you are only a beginner, and nothing of a changemaker. Like the wannabe good talkers without effect on tv for the past 40 years. I can imagine you want to be and make a change, but you still havent found the way. I can tell you: it is BEYOND what you are yet doing. Because you are yet only in the sphere of information and not the sphere of SOLUTIONS. I do not yet see whether it will get you to the level of a changemaker or just a mediocre television presenter with nice looks and smiles who likes animals and being on the „good side“. IT WOULD BE VERY GOOD AND PRECIOUS, but you are already well situated in a comfort zone and in a status where you are perceived to BE GOOD.But - without solutions, with broken infos about population issues - you are NOT in the solution sphere but can actually cause much harm. Because people make wrong old style deductions how to react to the population issue. So far, you are not on the good side, even if your peers like you. You wish to be, - which is a good start. But you dont know the solutions and dont even know ehrre to look for them and make really bad assumptions and models. The message is broken and leaves out the most important thing. The degree of destruction that an individual human causes. It makes ALL the difference, when we talk about population. And – sadly – your fans in their comments are so happy that you are passionate and wish to be a change generation, but they are only looking forward to see how YOU will unfold in the future. But they wont make a significant difference. That, of course, is the drama that all of us true changemakers also face. That we are celebrated as hero/ines, while the mass stays muggles with orkish habits. And thats why nothing changes. The first step to true change, however, lies in a combination of the good things listed above: Filling everybodys minds, hearts and hands (for tangible action) with humanitys finest changemaker hero/ines and solutions – every day – especially in the years at school – since 80% of human behaviour is shaped by role models, subconsciously, copy-paste. Not talking, Bindi, - you will have to start doing things: creating solutions and sanctuaries for wild animals. Etc etc. Dropping Nutella. Etc. Film yourself in front of a supermarket saying you wont buy there, until they drop (Great Barrier Reef) Shark from their shelves... with Madison Steward. Go attend the liberation of sharks in the WA shark cull with Ocean Ramsey... Etc Etc Etc --- this means GET THE TRUE HERO/INES into your show, where you have created a niche built on your parents fame. Thats one angle of leveraging your priviledge of media presence. There are others. With Youth-LeadeR, you could evoke a lot of changes, because it is full of solutions and tools. Especially for the sphere of education: MILLIONS, in fact, the entire young Austzralian generation. It would be nice to have you aboard.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:19:17 +0000

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